sandialabs / wiretap

Wiretap is a transparent, VPN-like proxy server that tunnels traffic via WireGuard and requires no special privileges to run.
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Feature Request: Allow specifying server in "add client" command #24

Closed jmac125 closed 9 months ago

jmac125 commented 11 months ago

It would be useful to allow specifying the --server-address ::6 in the add client command just like in the add server command. This would create a new client config that connects its relay to the server specified and e2e same as the original client

luker983 commented 10 months ago

The way Wiretap is currently structured, this might be a little tricky. Routing rules assume that the network is a tree, with clients being at the root of the tree.

It might be doable if we assume that there is only one "first-hop" server, but if your initial client has multiple first-hop servers then it may not be possible to grant the new client access to both branches when added to an arbitrary server.

Case that would probably work:

 │  C  │
 │  S  │
 │  S  ◄───────┐
 └─────┘       │
            │ C  │

Case that will only allow the new client access to the right branch:

        │  C  │
         │   │
    ┌────┴┐ ┌┴────┐
    │  S  │ │  S  │
    └──┬──┘ └──┬──┘
       │       │
    ┌──┴──┐ ┌──┴──┐
    │  S  │ │  S  ◄───────┐
    └─────┘ └─────┘       │
                       │ C  │

Thoughts? If you don't care about the second case, I could see about adding an option like you describe. It may also limit the new client's ability to add additional clients

jmac125 commented 10 months ago

I think the only-one-first-hop case is what i'm thinking of. If i was working with parallel server chains i would probably just use two instances of wiretap vs having them combined. I would only use the first client to add more clients i think.

luker983 commented 9 months ago

I have a draft of this working in the add-client-to-any-server branch.

Would you mind trying it out to make sure it works as you intend?

jmac125 commented 9 months ago

Yea it works how i expected. It seems like maybe the wiretap status command doesn't show server ::3 after adding the client onto ::3, though pings still work through the tunnels as expected

luker983 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for testing, good catch. status command should be fixed now.