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Fix validation errors and add description meta tags to main pages. #87

Closed JeffOnWire closed 8 years ago

JeffOnWire commented 8 years ago

I wanted to re-learn how to use github and so went looking for 'any excuse at all' to tinker with the website so I could submit a pull request. I decided to try and add description meta tags to the main pages (which turned out to be just a matter of adding a description attribute to the the YAML front matter).

Noticed that the title tag on the homepage was empty. Added it back to the YAML front matter and noticed that it not only filled in the title meta tag, but also the h1 tag on the page. So this adds the title to the main page that isn't currently there. Not sure if that is desired or not, so check it out.

Ran the homepage and RSS feed through the W3C validator and found that the hr tags on the homepage were being wrapped in p tags by Jekyll. One solution to the problem is to wrap it in a div tag.

Also found unescaped ampersands in the titles of three posts were causing the RSS feed to error, so I went back and fixed those.

Here is a list of descriptions all in one place to make it easy to discuss/edit (I may not be the world's best description tag author):

treyhunner commented 8 years ago

@JeffOnWire thanks for the pull request! :smile_cat:

I made a comment about the <hr> tag wrapping. If that's the best solution, I'm :+1: on this.

I'll let others chime in. If for some reason this doesn't get merged by next Tuesday's BYOP night, one of us can do it there.

JeffOnWire commented 8 years ago

Ha, first try updating an active pull request. I've removed the hr and replaced it by styling the div.