sandiegopython / intro-to-python

Introduction to Python (2014)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Adds details for install on Mac OS X #10

Closed willingc closed 10 years ago

willingc commented 10 years ago

@audreyr, @riseriyo: Please give the Mac OS X install instructions a quick scan.

@alaindomissy: Since most mac users will be using OS X 10.6+, I think it is easier (less error prone) to send them to the main download page and click the yellow button that directly downloads the correct file.

OS X 10.5 I added install instructions for those with older macbooks and are still on OS X 10.5 (there are still a few that seem to still be). I put these in a separate cell so easier to delete or hide the cell if preferred.

A few helpful tips on mac I also added a few tips for finding the OS version, finding files on a mac, and clarifying that $ is not typed when entering a command (you may be surprised the frequency of that question).

Attribution to other groups I moved to the bottom of the doc since it looks a little prettier to my eye. Feel free to move it up if you desire.

alaindomissy commented 10 years ago

@willingc looks much better I will shortly make a similar change for the windows instructions: give this link on that page the big yellow button will download the appropriate installer for windows