sandiz / rs-manager

Stats Manager for Rocksmith - Manage Playlists, Stats, Setlists and more!
GNU General Public License v3.0
52 stars 8 forks source link

Some general problems #29

Closed Zoutje closed 6 years ago

Zoutje commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

Zoutje here. I really liked the design of the app and its looking awesome. Unfortunately I can't get it to work.

I got a few issues: -I can't select a control path. -Whenever I change the rocksmith profile (_prfldb:) it goes blank like here; -The sign in through Steam button does nothing for me.

Would love to use this app as I am a dedicated RS player and this would be really nice to keep track of everything.

Friendly greetings,


sandiz commented 6 years ago

thanks for the report, investigating!

sandiz commented 6 years ago

-I can't select a control path.

what do you mean by control path ?

sandiz commented 6 years ago

pushed a bunch of fixes here.

can you try the following steps and let me know if you see any errors

The Steam OAuth option is used to update the owned/acquired date status for songs in Songs->DLC Catalog. If the above steps are working correctly, you can try going to Settings and signing in via steam and then going to DLC catalog and clicking the two buttons

"Update RS DLC Catalog" -> There should already be song dlc's in the view, to keep the list up to date press this button "Update Owned/Acquired Data" -> If steam oauth worked properly, you can press this to fetch the owned/acquired info from steam

Zoutje commented 6 years ago

Thanks its working great now! Just one small problem is that in the owned songs category its counting songs that I don't own. I think they are from RS1, like Nickelback for example is there but I don't own those. I tried resetting the songs in the settings but they still show up. Its not a big deal, but it is a little annoying as it counts them as unplayed too even though I don't own them.

Also a small nice update would be if you could filter the Rocksmith ingame songs lists. For example I imported the RS song list 1, I mainly play lead so would prefer if I just could show either lead/alternate lead for that song list.

sandiz commented 6 years ago

RS1, like Nickelback for example is there but I don't own those.

you can delete them manually by clicking on a row in songs->owned and clicking "Delete Songs from DB" button, they'll come back if you reimport though. I'll work on a setting to ignore certain tracks.. #30 image

you could filter the Rocksmith ingame songs lists

give setlists a go! more info here:

sorry the documentation is all over the place rn, i am working an a in-app help section, which will have all the info rs-manager supports

sandiz commented 6 years ago

option to permanently ignore an arrangement added in v1.2.5