sandoche / Darkmode.js

🌓 Add a dark-mode / night-mode to your website in a few seconds
MIT License
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Hide-Toggle on IE11 #11

Closed coliff closed 5 years ago

coliff commented 5 years ago

I think it'd be good to make this run at all on IE11 and stop the widget icon from displaying. Could maybe do this in JavaScript or use CSS targeting.

I use this to hide in IE10/IE11

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
.darkmode-toggle {display: none !important}
sandoche commented 5 years ago

Good idea I'll add it in the next release!

sandoche commented 5 years ago

I will also add this for Edge

      @supports (-ms-ime-align:auto), (-ms-accelerator:true) {
        .darkmode-toggle {display: none !important}
sandoche commented 5 years ago

It's now implemented in the version 1.4.0