sandoche / Darkmode.js

🌓 Add a dark-mode / night-mode to your website in a few seconds
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Isolation doesn't work when Position is relative or transform is applied #12

Closed ericwaetke closed 5 years ago

ericwaetke commented 5 years ago

The Dark-Mode exclusion works perfectly on all "normal" objects. But when I add either a position of fixed, sticky, absolute or relative, It doesn't anymore. Same with transforms etc.

sandoche commented 5 years ago

Try using this on your element:

.darkmode--activated .element {
  mix-blend-mode: difference;
ericwaetke commented 5 years ago

Yup, that works! Was that on the website already and I just didn't see it?

sandoche commented 5 years ago


k6xiao commented 1 year ago

这个依然不能生效: .darkmode--activated .element { mix-blend-mode: difference; } 这个属性可以生效,但是发现会有一瞬间的闪动: .darkmode--activated .element { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }