sandoche / Proof-of-Stake-Cryptocurrency-generator

🍀 Create your own Proof of Stake cryptocurrency with its own blockchain based on NXT
MIT License
358 stars 437 forks source link

"npm run nxt" on Ubuntu 18.04LTS wont run properly #34

Open Casper0513 opened 4 years ago

Casper0513 commented 4 years ago

Ubuntu 18.04LTS Node: v13.2.0 Java: 11

Initializing Nxt server version 1.11.13 javafx not supported isHeadless=false Runtime mode nxt.env.CommandLineMode User home folder /home/casper/Proof-of-Stake-Cryptocurrency-generator/nxt Loading from classpath Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Using an file from a version other than 1.11.13 is not supported!!! at nxt.Nxt.(

sandoche commented 4 years ago

Is Java well installed ?

Casper0513 commented 4 years ago

yes it is I actually got my own Blockchain created but the thing is How do I upload it to Github properly so that I can run it in DigitalOcean droplet Properly????? Help would be great thanks

sandoche commented 3 years ago

There are some info here:

Also you need to make sure to open the right ports.