sandreas / tone

tone is a cross platform audio tagger and metadata editor to dump and modify metadata for a wide variety of formats, including mp3, m4b, flac and more. It has no dependencies and can be downloaded as single binary for Windows, macOS, Linux and other common platforms.
Apache License 2.0
410 stars 17 forks source link

Spectre CommandRuntimeException #34

Closed itzexor closed 1 year ago

itzexor commented 1 year ago

Hello, I've just gotten the new release to test the fixed issues, but I seem to be running into a new one...

$ tone-0.1.3-linux-x64/tone 
Spectre.Console.Cli.CommandRuntimeException: Could not get settings type for command of type 'tone.Commands.DumpCommand'.
  at ConfiguredCommand Spectre.Console.Cli.ConfiguredCommand.FromType<TCommand>(string , bool )
  at ICommandConfigurator Spectre.Console.Cli.Configurator.AddCommand<TCommand>(string )       
  at void Program.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<<Main>$>b__8(IConfigurator )                           
  at async Task<int> Program.<Main>$(string[] )

It's happening both on my linux desktop (above) and the musl version within docker (below)

# tone
Spectre.Console.Cli.CommandRuntimeException: Could not get settings type for command of type 'tone.Commands.DumpCommand'.
  at ConfiguredCommand Spectre.Console.Cli.ConfiguredCommand.FromType<TCommand>(string , bool )
  at ICommandConfigurator Spectre.Console.Cli.Configurator.AddCommand<TCommand>(string )       
  at void Program.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<<Main>$>b__8(IConfigurator )                           
  at async Task<int> Program.<Main>$(string[] )

Is there something I've done wrong with the new version? 0.1.2 works as expected thru direct extraction & execution.

Thanks in advance

sandreas commented 1 year ago

Mmh this is strange, but thank you for reporting. I'll check the release version, maybe it has to do something with the net7.0 switch I made.

sandreas commented 1 year ago

Confirmed. Switched back to SDK 6.0 and re-released, now it seems to work again. Could you please check it is working for you?

itzexor commented 1 year ago

Yes both versions, musl and not, work properly now :) :+1:

sandreas commented 1 year ago

Yes both versions, musl and not, work properly now :) +1

Thanks for testing. Seems that net7.0 is just not yet ready for action... this is something I would have never expected.