sandreas / tone

tone is a cross platform audio tagger and metadata editor to dump and modify metadata for a wide variety of formats, including mp3, m4b, flac and more. It has no dependencies and can be downloaded as single binary for Windows, macOS, Linux and other common platforms.
Apache License 2.0
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Issue when enhancing `musicbrainz.js` script to incorporate chapters #60

Closed datenzar closed 6 months ago

datenzar commented 6 months ago


I'm trying to get a single m4b file to be enhanced by chapter tag information based on MusicBrainz.

The JavaScript-enhancement looks quite promising, but currently I'm stuck (I guess with the deserialization of the chapters' list).

Here's the enhanced code:

// musicbrainz-chapters.js
function musicbrainz(metadata, parameters) {
  // e2310769-2e68-462f-b54f-25ac8e3f1a21
  var id = parameters.length > 0 ? parameters[0] : null;
  if(id === null) {
    console.log("Please provide a valid musicbrainz release id to use this tagger");
  var url = "" + id + "?inc=recordings&fmt=json";
  console.log("fetching url:", url);

  // User-Agent header is required for musicbrainz to provide a response
  var json = tone.Fetch(url, {
      headers: {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4'
  // you could also read a text file in the base path of the audio file
  // json = tone.ReadTextFile(metadata.BasePath + "/musicbrainz.json");

  var result = JSON.parse(json);
  metadata.Title = result.title;
  console.log("new title:", result.title);

  if('barcode' in result) {
    metadata.AdditionalFields["ISBN"] = result.barcode;
    console.log("new barcode:", result.barcode);

// Code Addition: Start
  if ("media" in result) {
    // metadata.AdditionalFields["Media"] =;
    console.log("new media:",;

    if ("tracks" in[0]) {
      var chapterList = [];
      // metadata.AdditionalFields["Media"] =[0].tracks;
      var start = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i <[0].tracks.length; i++) {
        var track =[0].tracks[i];
        var title = track.title;
        var length = track.length;

        // approach A
        // chapterList.push(tone.CreateChapter(title, start, length));

        // approach B
          // optional
          subtitle: "",

        start += length;
      // FIXME: this is not working
      // Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      metadata.Chapters = chapterList;
// Code Addition: End

// register your function name as tagger

When calling tone via tone tag "harry-potter-1.m4b" --taggers="musicbrainz" --script="musicbrainz-chapters.js" --script-tagger-parameter="e2310769-2e68-462f-b54f-25ac8e3f1a21" I get an Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. message. I already tried multiple approaches (see commented code) but without success.

I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or if the functionality isn't implemented yet.

sandreas commented 6 months ago


You were close... Unfortunately, the metadata.Chapters cannot be fed with POJOs (JavaScript Objects) or just overwritten with a default JavaScript array. It's a C# IEnumerable containing C# Chapter Objects.

Here is the corrected example:

// musicbrainz-chapters.js
function musicbrainz(metadata, parameters) {
  // e2310769-2e68-462f-b54f-25ac8e3f1a21
  var id = parameters.length > 0 ? parameters[0] : null;
  if(id === null) {
    console.log("Please provide a valid musicbrainz release id to use this tagger");
  var url = "" + id + "?inc=recordings&fmt=json";
  console.log("fetching url:", url);

  // User-Agent header is required for musicbrainz to provide a response
  var json = tone.Fetch(url, {
      headers: {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4'
  // you could also read a text file in the base path of the audio file
  // json = tone.ReadTextFile(metadata.BasePath + "/musicbrainz.json");

  var result = JSON.parse(json);
  metadata.Title = result.title;
  console.log("new title:", result.title);

  if('barcode' in result) {
    metadata.AdditionalFields["ISBN"] = result.barcode;
    console.log("new barcode:", result.barcode);

// Code Addition: Start
  if ("media" in result) {
    // metadata.AdditionalFields["Media"] =;
    console.log("new media:",;

    if ("tracks" in[0]) {
      // metadata.AdditionalFields["Media"] =[0].tracks;
      // remove existing chapters
      var start = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i <[0].tracks.length; i++) {
        var track =[0].tracks[i];
        var title = track.title;
        var length = track.length;

        // Add new ones by using the tone API "CreateChapter"
        metadata.Chapters.Add(tone.CreateChapter(title, start, length));

        start += length;
// Code Addition: End

// register your function name as tagger
datenzar commented 6 months ago

Thanks a lot @sandreas!