sandrohanea / Speech to text made simple using Whisper Models
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How to build runtime dll #191

Open baaj2109 opened 2 months ago

baaj2109 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I tried adding additional methods in whisper.cpp to obtain more information. I entered the command cmake -B ./build in whisper.cpp, obtained the ALL_INSTALL project, compiled it to get whisper.dll. After replacing this dll with the dll in, whenever I call the method:

public IntPtr LoadNativeContext()
    return NativeMethods.whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state(pathModel, new WhisperContextParams() { UseGpu = useGpu ? (byte)1 : (byte)0 });

I got the exception:

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFE6D4405A7 (whisper.dll) in 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000001.

Could you share how you created the runtime dll? Thank you