sandropaganotti / jsgatt

JSGatt adds some syntactic sugar on top of the web bluetooth api
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Experimenting with AwoX SML-c9 #1

Open nalply opened 6 years ago

nalply commented 6 years ago


This device has two services: 0x180a (device information) with five characteristics 0x2a24, 0x2a26 to 0x2a29 and a second service 0xfff0 with five characteristics 0xfff1 to 0xfff5. So it seems that this bulb is completely different from your AwoX SML-c4.

How did you reverse engineer the services and characteristics from your bulb?

nalply commented 6 years ago

I found a different repository explicitly for AwoX SML-c9 and could make something out of that. Now I am writing my own thing with web bluetooth ( contains the references).

Still keeping this issue open because I'm interested about learning from you.

sandropaganotti commented 6 years ago

I can't remember the name of the app but I used a Bluetooth Gatt Explorer for Android (something like this: and played around with the services exposed by the light bulb until I found what I was looking for.