sandsmark / recrossable

crossword game with simplistic handwriting recognition and automatic generation of crosswords
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Converting sketched letter to text #7

Open Snowflake6 opened 3 years ago

Snowflake6 commented 3 years ago

When the crossword interprets your sketch to make a letter, could it just replace the sketch with the letter, rather than put a letter in the bottom corner? The handwriting recognition is cool, and my handwriting is not... :)

sandsmark commented 3 years ago

long time since I wrote this, but I think the problem was letters with multiple strokes.

I wanted something more friendly and natural than palm grafitti-style input.

could probably be a setting, but then it requires a settings screen.

Snowflake6 commented 3 years ago

@sandsmark Okay, that might kill my next suggestion which would be to use the Graffiti alphabet... :)

Right now, if the letter is correct, it switches from showing your sketched letter to showing a black square with the letter in white. If the letter is wrong, it leaves the sketched letter and shows a black-on-white letter in the corner.

Maybe it could wait half a second, or a second, to allow for another keystroke, but after that it interprets and draws the letter in the box black-on-white (if cheats are off) or white-on-black (if cheats are on, and it's correct).

There's always a large whitespace box below the crossword on the tablet... Maybe that space would work for putting a "cheats" checkbox. Maybe a slider for the delay time before recognizing even?