sandstorm-io / sandstorm

Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.
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Design Proposal: Sandstorm Sidebar #1713

Open azirbel opened 8 years ago

azirbel commented 8 years ago

I have some new ideas for the Sandstorm sidebar, and thought I'd post them here to start a discussion.

Edit: Make sure you check out the second iteration of the design in the comments below.

Proposal TL;DR

Current default view Proposed default view
screen shot 2016-03-25 at 3 20 01 pm collapsed


I was introducing my friend to Sandstorm the other day, trying to talk him into making an app with me. I showed him a demo of the Text Editor, and he was super impressed. Then he realized that there was no way to get rid of the big black bars around the app. That was a dealbreaker for him.

About two years ago, I was working at Addepar and we had a design that was pretty similar to what Sandstorm has now. We redesigned it because the black color was too overwhelming. See the blog post here. To put it simply, we made this change:

Old New
addepar-old addepar-new

We did this because black is a very strong color and draws your attention away from the important part of the app. The app felt restricted, crammed in, because of the dark sidebar.

I think we can do even better with Sandstorm. We can get rid of the top nav altogether.

This is an important issue, because (1) it's most people's first experience with Sandstorm, and (2) the navigation bars give Sandstorm apps a very distinct look and feel. I think it's worth getting this right early on so that apps can be designed accordingly.


I know a lot of people want to allow apps to run in fullscreen (no bars at all). I do too.

However, fullscreen has a lot of really tricky UI problems. For example:

  1. Users might not know how to get "back" to Sandstorm
  2. Important UI actions, like logging out, are handled by Sandstorm and wouldn't be available without a sidebar
  3. Apps could mimic the Sandstorm UI and phish for users' information. (This is less of an issue than people make it out to be. It can already be done, and LastPass, whose sole purpose is security, has much bigger problems.)

Anyway, even though I think it should be possible to run apps in fullscreen mode, this proposal is far less ambitious. I think a good first step is simply rearranging the UI elements we have today.


While reading, think about the following scenario:

I create a survey / poll / document and email it out to everyone in my company asking for feedback. The link takes them to an instance of my Sandstorm app, where they log in (maybe), read the document, and leave feedback (maybe). I am the only technical sandstorm user.

This is something I want to do right now. I think it's a common scenario, and implies that for most users:

  1. They are disoriented. They don't know Sandstorm and don't know what the sidebars are for
  2. They only have one grain open, and will not switch to other Sandstorm apps
  3. They may or may not be logged in

    Room for improvement in current design

The current UI is good in a lot of ways. It makes it very clear which parts of the screen are controlled by Sandstorm, and enables all the common user actions. But it has a few issues, too:

As an illustration of the double-header-bar problem, take WeKan. I think WeKan is a really well-designed app, but it has a double header when used inside Sandstorm. Each header displays the same title. It makes sense for WeKan to display the title itself (and emphasize it), because it wants to keep the forum on-topic. It also uses the header bar intelligently for other purposes.

screen shot 2016-03-25 at 2 58 49 pm

Proposed redesign

Overview of changes made:

I'd also propose that the collapsed view should be the default. I could be wrong on this one, but the idea is to make Sandstorm look insignificant for the users who have just been sent a link and will be visiting the app briefly.

Collapsed View Expanded View
collapsed expanded

Another primary consideration of this design is to improve the experience for users who have only one grain open. I think this is likely a common use case, for the scenario above. It's also very reasonable to keep one app open per browser tab.

In this design, the grain switcher isn't shown unless there are multiple grains open:


Now to explain the design, from the top:

Sidebar Explanation Submenu
1 Sandstorm menu. Here we put sandstorm notifications (like app upgrades), and have an option to go to Sandstorm settings. Keeping it at the top reinforces the Sandstorm brand and gives context to the rest of the page. Shows notifications and global sandstorm settings.
2 User menu. Shows the user's logged-in state, and their avatar (if there is one). Keep the focus on me! I am important! I host for myself! ;) Shows user settings.
3 Expand/collapse, like before. Also acts as a visual separator between the Sandstorm-level menu (above) and the Grain-level menu (below).
4 The grain I'm currently using. It's too bad that this is duplicated between this location and the grain switcher below, but that's also how it is now. (The title is shown twice). It's nice to have the app icon and title here, because (1) it gives you context at a glance, and (2) is a logical location if you only have one grain open, and the grain switcher is hidden. Notice that if you skim down the sidebar, you see "I'm in Sandstorm -> I'm logged in -> I'm in X app", in that order. Edit button to change the app title
5 Sharing settings for the grain I'm currently using. Sharing settings
6 App settings for the grain I'm currently using. Options currently in the topbar: debugging info, app keys, delete button, etc.
7 Grain switcher. Comes up from the bottom instead of down from the top, to create visual separation between the app I'm currently using and the other apps. Also makes sense next to the "open grain" button below. Don't show these icons unless there multiple grains open.
8 Grain switcher.
9 App switcher / installer. This goes near the bottom because it's an uncommon action for "real" Sandstorm users, isn't used at all by guests, and doesn't provide context for anything on the page. It's a logical progression from "grains I have open -> open grain -> open/install new app".
10 Help menu. For my poor coworkers who have never used Sandstorm, and don't know why there's a sidebar here. Hopefully they can just ignore it and focus on the app, but if they're curious, this menu can give some context on what Sandstorm is and how they can use it. Context info and guides

Weak points

Drive doc Drive organizer Paper doc Paper organizer
screen shot 2016-03-25 at 1 57 09 pm screen shot 2016-03-25 at 1 56 47 pm screen shot 2016-03-25 at 1 57 57 pm screen shot 2016-03-25 at 1 57 52 pm

This is just an idea.

I'm not a Sandstorm team member, and though I'm a big fan of Sandstorm, I may be missing essential use cases, misunderstanding the user base, and so on.

On top of that, I unfortunately don't have time to implement this design right now, even if everyone loves it.

So just take this as a suggestion, food for thought and/or inspiration. Take what you like from it! I hope you enjoyed reading.

mnutt commented 8 years ago

I like these ideas a lot. Having sandstorm bars in both directions does sometimes make it a bit confusing which parts of the UI are the app's and which are sandstorm's.

One thing to consider is mobile, where real estate (especially horizontal real estate) is really at a premium.

azirbel commented 8 years ago

That's a great point.

I wouldn't imagine that this proposal should change the mobile view - that would have to be a different design entirely.

I'm a big fan of Slack's mobile UX. One interesting thing they do is to put channels on the left, and an app-level menu on the right (both of which can be swiped to). I wonder if that concept would be useful here (e.g. grain switcher on the left, Sandstorm menu on the right).

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

The biggest issue(s) I have is:

I am not generally opposed to the concept of getting rid of the top bar on desktops, but I think this needs to be a lot clearer and easier to understand.

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

I should ALSO note, I'm a huge fan of the idea of the Sandstorm shell being flexible someday, so people can swap out for a design that suits them. But I think Nena has put the design in an incredibly good place right now.

azirbel commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the comments, @ocdtrekkie! Really appreciate it.

You're using like three or four colors of light gray

You're right that this is a bad idea. We would definitely want to bump up the contrast.

The same reasons you are advocating for a lighter Sandstorm interface is the major reason it shouldn't have one, actually.

This is an interesting question. Should Sandstorm try to stick out, flagging itself as something very different from the app? Or should it feel like almost part of the app?

I think somewhere in the middle. Sandstorm does take the place of many parts of an app, handling login and switching between grains. As an (aspiring, in-progress) app author, I'd like to design my app so that it feels comfortable next to the Sandstorm interface. That might mean some app-side color changes - which implies that Sandstorm should take a position on this issue before too many apps are written.

I think the design could do better to differentiate between the sandstorm sidebar and the app, and a black background isn't the only option. Maybe a medium-gray separating line between the sidebar and the app would be enough.

The definition of what is what on the sidebar is completely unclear

Probably room for improvement here. I tried to keep many ideas from the existing design (like the smaller rows for the grain switcher). Maybe we could use a consistent row height for all sidebar items.

Probably the icons are still unclear. I will think about it.

starting minimized by default

Thinking about this more, an icon-only sidebar is extremely confusing for new users. I think it's probably better to keep it expanded by default after all.

+1 to customizing the shell, but the new-user/default experience is probably more important than customization for advanced users.

I hope I didn't come off as critical of the existing design. It works well, and it does many things better than my proposed design (grain title is displayed in a logical place; indication of which grain I'm on is very clear; buttons to delete/configure the grain are above the grain).

I hope that some of the ideas here will be useful, maybe after a few iterations. Reducing the prominence of the sidebar, and giving more room to the apps, is something I personally would really like.

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

@azirbel I think it's absolutely key that Sandstorm interface elements be distinct and obvious from app elements. What if it was hard to distinguish between the "home" button on your browser, and the "home" button to go to a website's home page? The web browser would be in a very sorry state if we couldn't distinguish browser from webpage. This is a good analogy for the Sandstorm platform. Except your browser lives in the cloud, and is viewed through another browser.

I definitely think the ideas are worth exploring, the top bar could definitely go if there was somewhere better to put that UI where it was still clear.

kentonv commented 8 years ago

I like the basic idea here. In the past I've been pretty stubborn about keeping the topbar, but your mockups do make things feel less constrained, and after looking at it I have to admit that our current UI now looks dated.

I agree we'll need to work on how the information at the top of the sidebar is presented to make it more clear. It's also too bad that this design makes it less clear which UI elements relate to the specific grain being displayed and which elements are "global", but maybe we can find a new way to solve that.

Jake is correct that it's very important that Sandstorm UI be clearly distinguishable from the app, for trusted UI reasons. I also agree with him that the color scheme should be high-contrast.

I think the sidebar does need to be expanded by default, so that people can learn what's there. Of course, once they shrink it, it should stick that way (we added such stickiness a few releases ago).

Let's keep iterating! I'm sure @neynah and @zarvox will have some opinions.

mrflos commented 8 years ago

Hi there!

I'm a big fan of what Sandstorm is trying to archieve, I'm willing to help but not an expert in UI/UX.. but I think that having 2 places taken by the Sandstorm UI is too much, and it brings too much contrast inside the browser window..

I like the app switcher sidebar, and on your proposal @azirbel, I think it's confusing to have the opened grains down, and special menu for current opened grain in the same place.

My suggestions (made together with other users tech/non tech) :

In an ideal world, I dream of an Sandstorm restful API for grains and app and users rights/admin, after it would be easier for me to work on different UIs mockups, provide Sandstorm webapps or Sandstorm phone app, but I'm sure the core devs are quite busy..

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

@mrflos If anything, I think it's been a strong goal to make the ability to share grains more visible. Hiding grain options behind a right click would be really sad, I think.

I definitely want to see some of the "My Grains" page enhancements you mention though. The ability to rename/delete/share grains from that page is something I've wanted for a long time, same for the sorting options.

azirbel commented 8 years ago

Another big thanks for the feedback, everyone.

I've come up with a second iteration. Let me know what you think!



@mrflos, I think you bring up some great points about the grains/apps pages. I figured I'd just focus on the menus, but wanted to mention one thing - I think the "open grain" and "open app" distinction in the menus isn't very useful, and I'd prefer a single "open" button represented by the folder icon.

Collapsed state Example menu pop-over
nav-2-collapsed nav-2-popover

Bonus! I started thinking about a mobile design too. This one is pretty far into the "conceptual" realm; it's not pixel-perfect. I based it heavily on the slack mobile UI.

Current Proposed Expanded state Example sub-menu
The header bar is one big expand/collapse button The menu slides down from the top, like it does now. The header turns white Sub-menus slide in from the right side
current-mobile nav-2-mobile-1 nav-2-mobile-2 nav-2-mobile-3

Considerations for the mobile UI:

This will probably be the last iteration from me, unless someone on the Sandstorm team tells me they'd like me to continue working on it. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, especially since I'm sure @neynah could make an amazing version of this UI given some time to work on it. I imagine the core team is pretty busy.

The reason I've been working on this proposal is because I really want a Sandstorm UI that (1) has no topbar and (2) has less visual prominence. I'm hoping to show that this is possible, even if the design I've come up with here needs more iteration.

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

@azirbel That seems like a pretty good way to arrange that, actually. I'm pretty fond of that. I might make the text and icon size of the sharing and settings options a bit smaller, because I think that's a better indicator of being a sub-item, but that's mostly nitpicks.

I am still vastly in preference of the bar being dark. This might be in the "please just give me a dark theme option"[1] territory though, I really hate white/gray interfaces. Your borders are much more distinct though, so the usability concern has been fairly well addressed.

[1] This is something Windows 8/10/Phone/Xbox has supported for a long time, and I'm amazed that in 2016, Android still doesn't have it (though it's been hinted at in Android 6 preview releases, then pulled). I really want a dark theme setting, which not only will affect my global UI (Sandstorm itself), but will be available for apps to see as well, so apps can choose to match my UI preferences automatically.

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

The gap in the sidebar border did indicate to me visually that those icons were attached to the visible grain (like a browser tab!) but I would let that border gap span all three icons, again, like a tab.

Though, if the grain background was a different color than the sidebar, this effect would probably not really work either way.

azirbel commented 8 years ago

+1 to the dark-theme idea @ocdtrekkie.

I just realized that what bugs me isn't "the sidebar is black" at all - it's just the prominence of it. This looks fine:

screen shot 2016-03-29 at 4 31 00 pm The "sandstorm sidebar is like a browser" analogy is really good. In this case, I'd interpret it to say that the sandstorm sidebar should be light by default (like a browser). Of course, you might disagree on how we should interpret the analogy. I'm happy to assume that most apps are light by default, and we'll need to build a dark-theme configuration at every level of Sandstorm if we want it all to be consistent.

mrflos commented 8 years ago

I liked the second iteration from @azirbel , just the share and cog icons and text for the active grain could be smaller or inlined, in my opinion.

I had a crazy idea about the color of the sidebar, reading , it would be possible to use this technique and generate a transparent png based on the screenshot of current grain, so the sidebar background color would be always paired with the grain, it's like ubuntu's chameleon launcher that changes according to the wallpaper!

Sorry for this cool / crazy stuff!

neynah commented 8 years ago

@azirbel Thanks for putting the thought & effort into this! I think you've proposed some interesting ideas. I have a few comments for now and then I'll probably add more later. From an aesthetic standpoint I would personally love to simplify the UI and move all elements into the sidebar but from a usability standpoint I think it adds some complications we should consider carefully.

Yes, our mobile UI needs work and we haven't yet gotten around to improving our mobile design yet!

FWIW, my toes are fine. Unfortunately, we probably won't be taking action to do any major redesign soon (other than testing & identifying issues) but I appreciate the discussion here. It's valuable for us to hear about the friction people are experiencing.

I'm sure @zarvox will eventually have some comments as well since we work on the UI & UX together.

@mrflos Matching the sidebar colour with the grain is a pretty cool idea. It might be jarring for users switching between grains though. Perhaps the answer is to decide on dark or light theme by default, and also provide some presets / themes so we can ensure there is high contrast between the sidebar/topbar background and icons on top.

zarvox commented 8 years ago

First off, I'm impressed by the level of thought that everyone on this thread is putting into this issue! A huge thanks to @azirbel for taking the time to rethink what's possible, mock everything up, and write up this tome detailing the design ideas so well. Threads like these make me super happy about working on Sandstorm in the open with all you lovely people. :)

To throw my .02 USD in on a few of the critiques/proposals (paraphrased):

I'm a little sad that Share Access becomes less discoverable in the proposed designs. In user testing, one of the things we've seen people struggle with is figuring out how to share something, so having less information scent within Sandstorm for that functionality bothers me a little.

Another thing we've observed in our user tests include a rather-strong expectation that clicking a logo in the top left of the screen will take the user back to the "root of the site". When that doesn't happen, users get lost. Users also tend to expect "sign in/out" and "my account" to be at the top right of the screen. I wouldn't call these complete showstoppers, but I am hesitant to change or remove affordances that users have learned from dozens of other sites without doing some tests to be sure that we're not making a prettier-but-less-usable-for-the-average-user design. We can easily add a sidebar item for notifications, but I'm not sure how to cleanly put account things at the top right, especially login (which is almost invariably the top right thing in a top-level nav). Perhaps we give apps some API for indicating to Sandstorm (maybe via postmessage) that the user has indicated intent to log in? But then what about apps that don't implement this sort of integration?

I think that while most users will probably want the collapsed sidebar most of the time, it should probably start out expanded, lest users have to explore an icons-only menu before they can discover any of Sandstorm's functionality. Maybe we should collapse by default for anonymous users? Today, we don't show the sidebar at all for anonymous users viewing through a sharing link, since there's little else they could usefully navigate to anyway.

I tend to prefer text labels to icons, or at least supplement icons with labels. Labels allow you to communicate a couple of useful things that icons generally don't, including whether this icon is meant to be a verb (button/action) or noun (link/route/place) as well as give a precise name and more information about what clicking this target will do.

Things I super-duper like and want to figure out how to make work, whether in implementing this design or a different one entirely:

Wow, that was a lot of words for two cents. I probably won't be able to work on this too much more in the immediate future, since we're trying to ship the new admin onboarding flow and admin panel, but I'm super happy to see all the ideas laid out in public where we can discuss and come back to them later. And @azirbel, consider me convinced that a less-prominent Sandstorm UI is possible and worthwhile, and quite possibly even one without a topbar, if we can figure out what to do with log in/out. :)

Again, thanks everyone for all the great input here, and feel free to continue debating the merits of various designs. :)

P.S. random note for people who like UX design: the card-sorting exercise is really useful for figuring out what things belong together! We used it to figure out what we should put together in the new admin panel designs.

ndarilek commented 8 years ago

Whatever happens with this, please please please incorporate ARIA from the start. :) Sandstorm is quite accessible these days, and talk of redesigns always makes me nervous about losing a11y ground in the name of shiny.


ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

Given that we currently have a reasonably familiar, decently accessible, fairly straightforward UI at the moment, my strong opinion is that if radical changes are made, the ability to change styles on the shell should be considered. So at minimum self-hosting admins (if not users themselves) can select a preferred style. I'd be happy to help with some of the additional workload that maintaining a legacy style might entail. (This would also be an additional feature for Enterprise hosters, who might want to brand/customize their style for their users.)

ocdtrekkie commented 8 years ago

@ndarilek I get super nervous pretty much anytime someone starts talking about redesigns to things I use.

kentonv commented 8 years ago

Random small thoughts (I haven't read 100% of the above but it looks like the discussion is being pretty productive):

mitar commented 8 years ago

Can we also please move Sandstorm menu to the right? So that main content is on the left. You much less interact with the Sandstorm once you are in the app, so right side is much better for that.

elimisteve commented 8 years ago

I like the UI of @azirbel's designs but have a concern about UX: as a laptop/non-huge-screen user a fair amount of the time, the idea of having to scroll down all the time to access menu items that are below the bottom left of the screen instead of very conveniently available on the top bar sounds potentially painful, but I don't know if the left panel would be so tall as to cause this issue.

matbrgz commented 7 years ago

Heyy take a look at this mar-09-2017 18-49-45

ocdtrekkie commented 7 years ago

@MatheusRV The largest issue there would be... what happens when a Sandstorm app has a button in the top left corner?

matbrgz commented 7 years ago

@ocdtrekkie captura de tela 2017-03-09 as 18 58 35 i could draw an interface, i'm UX designer.

xet7 commented 7 years ago

What do you think about Themes feature Wekan is in process of implementing sometime? Could there be similar feature for Sandstorm?

kentonv commented 7 years ago

@xet7 I haven't looked at how Wekan is doing it, but the concept of "themes" scares me a bit in that I don't know how we'd avoid breaking themes whenever we added or changed UI elements in Sandstorm. I could only imagine supporting a static set of themes that live in the Sandstorm repo, so that we can extend and test them as needed. Though I'm also hesitant to do that due to the maintenance burden -- would rather wait until Sandstorm's UI has settled down.

People can, of course, implement "themes" in the form of browser extensions. But in that case it's on them if the theme breaks.

xet7 commented 7 years ago


In Wekan it's still only on design phase. No code has been changed yet. That new theme shown there is done by just changing css locally, but AFAIK that theme is not finished yet and is probably broken because of changes in Wekan UI.

Now that I think of it more, having integrated feature for adding and changing theme is like Google's wontfix of Android draw-on-top that makes Android security broken. It's like implementing feature for shooting itself in the foot easily, having it reported as security issue many times, and marking it as wontfix.

The only systems where draw-on-top is disabled I know of are Qubes OS on desktop and Sandstorm on webserver.

Thanks for the idea of implementing "themes" in the form of browser extensions. I'll see how it works. For Wekan I'll rethink what is necessary to include built-in, so it still looks like Wekan.