sandstorm-io / sandstorm

Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.
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Sandstorm seems to hang #3061

Open frilous opened 6 years ago

frilous commented 6 years ago


I just installed sandstorm. The server is running ubuntu 16.04 Each time I launch the app (under firefox), I have a kind of wheel that keeps turning, but nothing else appens. I had to reconfigure my server to accept wildcards. It does now (ping toto.server is ok), but it didn't solve the problem. I don't have any message on the main screen, but on the configuration page, I still have the messge about the wildcards (bad configuration).

Would you hava any advice to solve the problem, please ? Thanks Frilous

ocdtrekkie commented 6 years ago

Can you share the configuration you're using?

frilous commented 6 years ago


The server is running Ubuntu 16.04. Java is : openjdk version "1.8.0_162" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)

The client : windows 7 pro 64bits Firefox 56 java version "1.8.0_151" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)

I tried on another computer running ubuntu, but it doesn't work either. Actualy, it works only on the server web-browser... On the other clients, another thing that doesn't work, is that the icos doesn't appear in the Apps window...

Thank you for your help... Frilous

ocdtrekkie commented 6 years ago

Sandstorm doesn't care about Java, as the case is. (And for the most part, it packs in all its own dependencies.)

I meant can you share your sandstorm.conf file? If you need to replace domain names with fake ones, you can do so. The docs on how the sandstorm.conf file works is here:

frilous commented 6 years ago

oh, ok, here is the file : SERVER_USER=sandstorm PORT=6080 MONGO_PORT=6081 BIND_IP= BASE_URL=http://emhcalcul:6080 WILDCARD_HOST=*.emhcalcul:6080 UPDATE_CHANNEL=dev ALLOW_DEV_ACCOUNTS=false SMTP_LISTEN_PORT=25


ocdtrekkie commented 6 years ago

Hmm, that seems right to me, assuming you have nothing like Nginx or the like in front of it. I take it the Sandstorm UI (grains list page/etc.) works, but just launching apps hangs? I feel like there still has to be something wrong with DNS if it's giving you that warning.

frilous commented 6 years ago

Yes, That's what I think too, even though the ping works... However, it is strnge that the icons don't appear in the Apps panel...

Thanks.. (I'm off until monday... ) Frilous

kentonv commented 6 years ago

If apps hang, it indicates a problem with the wildcard host. Are you sure *.emhcalcul has been configured as a wildcard in your DNS server?

See also:

kentonv commented 6 years ago

Hmm, I see you say it pinged OK. But the problem you're seeing almost always indicates that the wildcard isn't working right, and the message on the admin page indicates this too. Can you verify that the wildcard DNS actually points to the same IP address? I.e. ping emhcalcul and ping foo.emhcalcul should show the same destination address.

frilous commented 6 years ago

Hello, Thank you for your answers. I think I know why it doesn't work. When I'm working on the server where sandstorm is installed, he is his own dns server, so he recognizes the wildcards. But when I am connected to another computer, he is looking for the dns server of the whole domain instead of searching on the local server. That could explain why it only works on the local server. I don't think the It tema will let me use wildcards? Is it possible to do without wildcards ?

Thanks again...


ocdtrekkie commented 6 years ago

@frilous It's not possible to use Sandstorm without wildcards. There's actually an article in the docs about why it is needed: