sandstorm-io / sandstorm

Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.
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Should we change the default/core apps? #3237

Open ocdtrekkie opened 4 years ago

ocdtrekkie commented 4 years ago

Currently, the default core apps are Etherpad, Davros, Rocket.Chat, and Wekan, referred to as "Productivity Suite", and Collections as a "System app".

My primary questions are: Why is EtherCalc not included in the Productivity Suite? And is Rocket.Chat an experience we currently want to push as a default experience, given the age of it's package and it's fairly slow performance?

Should we either put time/effort into bringing Rocket.Chat up to what people would expect? (PRs were made before on Rocket.Chat to re-add Sandstorm support, but not really followed through with and tested.) Or should we look at a lighter chat experience more fitting to Sandstorm's model, like SandChat?

zenhack commented 4 years ago

+1 for removing Rocket.Chat from the defaults and adding EtherCalc. We could talk about whether to add Rocket.Chat back to the defaults if the developers decided to re-invest and fix stuff that's broken right now, but it's a bad look if one of the pre-installed apps is clearly unmaintained and not 100% working.

ocdtrekkie commented 4 years ago

I mean, Rocket.Chat "works" (and it having the "share grain" functionality built-in is super cool). The largest historic complaint has been that the mobile app no longer works with the version on Sandstorm, and I don't think the mobile web experience for it is particularly ideal.

Probably the biggest concern for me is how extremely slow it loads. It's full-UI-in-a-UI format isn't exactly Sandstorm-ideal either, and it doesn't hide the full admin panel of features that won't work in Sandstorm. I would much rather a lighter chat solution that "fits" in Sandstorm better being the default (if we have a default chat app at all), while retaining some of these bulkier options as options you can install if you want.

zenhack commented 4 years ago

I probably shouldn't overstate how broken it is; it does mostly work, though it's very out of date and people have asked about the mobile app a lot.

...but I think the experience is currently not up to par for being on the pre-installed app list. I don't think we necessarily need to have a chat app as one of the default apps; I would just remove it for now, add EtherCalc, and revisit the situation when the ecosystem shifts a bit.

ocdtrekkie commented 4 years ago

Is it just matter of editing or do we have to change anything else in particular? Presumably changing this should show a change in what apps are shown as part of the Productivity Suite in existing servers and recommended for download on first install, but should not change what's currently established as people's preinstalled apps on existing servers.

kentonv commented 4 years ago

That seems right but I don't remember. Someone will have to try it out.

dckc commented 4 years ago

Rocket.Chat is one of my favorite sandstorm apps, but I guess I wouldn't miss it in the default apps. I know where to find it.