sandstorm / NeosTwoFactorAuthentication

Extend the Neos Backend Login with 2FA
MIT License
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FEATURE: Add creationDate to SecondFactor and ordering to second factor list in backend #34

Open JamesAlias opened 1 month ago

JamesAlias commented 1 month ago

This adds a creationDate field to the SecondFactor entity. It's always nice to have this information and we can order by it.

The default ordering in the backend module list is account descending and creationDate descending.

SecondFactors without a creationDate will get a default value. The default value will be shown as '-' in the backend module list.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 3 14 32 PM

Benjamin-K commented 1 month ago

I'd prefer having

protected $defaultOrderings = [
    'account' => 'ASC',
    'creationDate' => 'DESC'

(at least that's what i'd expect).

But I really like having additional infos where easily possible 😍