sanel / monroe

Clojure nREPL client for Emacs
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monroe-connect should pass an integer as the port number to open-network-stream #14

Closed destroyhimmyrobots closed 8 years ago

destroyhimmyrobots commented 8 years ago

System Details:

The documentation for the function open-network-stream called by by monroe-connect states:

SERVICE is the name of the service desired, 
or an integer specifying a port number to connect to.

Because monroe-connect passes a string to the SERVICE parameter of open-network-stream, the following error is thrown:

Unknown service: 7888

One can correct this by passing an integer port number to open-network-stream. Here's a quick hack to demonstrate working arguments:

(advice-add #'open-network-stream
            (lambda (r) (setf (elt r 3) (string-to-int (elt r 3))) r))
sanel commented 8 years ago

Thanks for catching it!

Can you please try changes I pushed in fd742ee?

destroyhimmyrobots commented 8 years ago

LGTM! Thank you for the swift patch.