sanette / bogue

GUI library for ocaml based on SDL2
181 stars 15 forks source link

Windows are completely black #10

Closed slegrand45 closed 2 years ago

slegrand45 commented 2 years ago


When i run boguex or even the minimal example, all the windows are completely black, nothing is drawn inside. The audio is ok though. A basic example (drawing a blue square in a red window) with pure Tsdl works ok.


Is there anything i could test to have more clues in order to solve the problem ?

Thank you.

sanette commented 2 years ago

sorry to hear this. What happens if you try

BOGUE_BACKGROUND=color:white boguex 1v
slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

Same thing, the window has still a black background. Is there any way to disable the use of GPU hardware acceleration, if any ?

sanette commented 2 years ago

Bogue uses by default the opengl flag when creating an SDL window. You could try to remove this in the code and recompile. Look for the function create_window in the file

sanette commented 2 years ago

Can you also try BOGUE_DEBUG=true boguex 1v and copy the log?

slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

I ran the test after removing opengl in create_window but no change, the window is still black.

Here is the output of BOGUE_DEBUG=true boguex 1v (without removing opengl):

[0][0] :         Warning: User variable 'LOG_TO_FILE' not found in config.
[0][0] :         Warning: Using LOG_TO_FILE=false
[0][0] :         Warning: User variable 'DIR' not found in config.
[0][0] :         Warning: Using DIR=
[5][0] :         Warning: User variable 'THEME' not found in config.
[5][0] :         Warning: Using THEME=default
[5][0] :         I/O: No theme specified, using default=default
[6][0] :         I/O: Reading config file [/home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/default/bogue.conf]. BOGUE Version [20220601]
[6][0] :         I/O: Reading BACKGROUND=color:white
[6][0] :         I/O: Reading CHECK_ON=fa:check-square-o
[6][0] :         I/O: Reading CHECK_OFF=fa:square-o
[6][0] :         Warning: Using THEME=default
Loading Bogue 20220601 with config dir /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/default
[6][0] :         Warning: Using BACKGROUND=color:white
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'BG_COLOR' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using BG_COLOR=lightsteelblue
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'BUTTON_COLOR_OFF' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using BUTTON_COLOR_OFF=steelblue
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'BUTTON_COLOR_ON' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using BUTTON_COLOR_ON=darkturquoise
[6][0] :         Warning: Using CHECK_ON=fa:check-square-o
[6][0] :         Warning: Using CHECK_OFF=fa:square-o
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'CURSOR_COLOR' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using CURSOR_COLOR=#2a7da2
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'FAINT_COLOR' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using FAINT_COLOR=gainsboro
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'TEXT_COLOR' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using TEXT_COLOR=black
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'SEL_BG_COLOR' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using SEL_BG_COLOR=slategray
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'SEL_FG_COLOR' not found in config.
[6][0] :         Warning: Using SEL_FG_COLOR=white
[6][0] :         Warning: User variable 'LABEL_COLOR' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using LABEL_COLOR=black
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'MENU_HL_COLOR' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using MENU_HL_COLOR=#8099a2
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'MENU_BG_COLOR' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using MENU_BG_COLOR=#BEBEBE
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'LABEL_FONT_SIZE' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using LABEL_FONT_SIZE=14
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'LABEL_FONT' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using LABEL_FONT=Ubuntu-R.ttf
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'TEXT_FONT' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using TEXT_FONT=Ubuntu-R.ttf
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'TEXT_FONT_SIZE' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using TEXT_FONT_SIZE=14
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'SMALL_FONT_SIZE' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using SMALL_FONT_SIZE=10
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'MONO_FONT' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using MONO_FONT=UbuntuMono-R.ttf
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'ROOM_MARGIN' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using ROOM_MARGIN=10
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'FA_DIR' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using FA_DIR=font-awesome-4.6.3
[7][0] :         Warning: User variable 'SCALE' not found in config.
[7][0] :         Warning: Using SCALE=0
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightsalmon]=(255,160,122)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [salmon]=(250,128,114)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darksalmon]=(233,150,122)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightcoral]=(240,128,128)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [indianred]=(205,92,92)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [crimson]=(220,20,60)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [firebrick]=(178,34,34)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [red]=(255,0,0)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkred]=(139,0,0)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [coral]=(255,127,80)
[11][0] :        I/O: Reading color [tomato]=(255,99,71)
[16][0] :        I/O: Reading color [orangered]=(255,69,0)
[16][0] :        I/O: Reading color [gold]=(255,215,0)
[16][0] :        I/O: Reading color [orange]=(255,165,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkorange]=(255,140,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightyellow]=(255,255,224)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lemonchiffon]=(255,250,205)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightgoldenrodyellow]=(250,250,210)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [papayawhip]=(255,239,213)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [moccasin]=(255,228,181)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [peachpuff]=(255,218,185)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [palegoldenrod]=(238,232,170)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [khaki]=(240,230,140)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkkhaki]=(189,183,107)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [yellow]=(255,255,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lawngreen]=(124,252,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [chartreuse]=(127,255,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [limegreen]=(50,205,50)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lime]=(0,255,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [forestgreen]=(34,139,34)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [green]=(0,128,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkgreen]=(0,100,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [greenyellow]=(173,255,47)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [yellowgreen]=(154,205,50)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [springgreen]=(0,255,127)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumspringgreen]=(0,250,154)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightgreen]=(144,238,144)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [palegreen]=(152,251,152)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkseagreen]=(143,188,143)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumseagreen]=(60,179,113)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [seagreen]=(46,139,87)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [olive]=(128,128,0)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkolivegreen]=(85,107,47)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [olivedrab]=(107,142,35)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightcyan]=(224,255,255)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [cyan]=(0,255,255)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [aqua]=(0,255,255)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [aquamarine]=(127,255,212)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumaquamarine]=(102,205,170)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [paleturquoise]=(175,238,238)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [turquoise]=(64,224,208)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumturquoise]=(72,209,204)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkturquoise]=(0,206,209)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightseagreen]=(32,178,170)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [cadetblue]=(95,158,160)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkcyan]=(0,139,139)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [teal]=(0,128,128)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [powderblue]=(176,224,230)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightblue]=(173,216,230)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightskyblue]=(135,206,250)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [skyblue]=(135,206,235)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [deepskyblue]=(0,191,255)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightsteelblue]=(176,196,222)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [dodgerblue]=(30,144,255)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [cornflowerblue]=(100,149,237)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [steelblue]=(70,130,180)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [royalblue]=(65,105,225)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [blue]=(0,0,255)
[17][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumblue]=(0,0,205)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkblue]=(0,0,139)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [navy]=(0,0,128)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [midnightblue]=(25,25,112)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumslateblue]=(123,104,238)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [slateblue]=(106,90,205)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkslateblue]=(72,61,139)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lavender]=(230,230,250)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [thistle]=(216,191,216)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [plum]=(221,160,221)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [violet]=(238,130,238)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [orchid]=(218,112,214)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [fuchsia]=(255,0,255)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [magenta]=(255,0,255)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumorchid]=(186,85,211)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumpurple]=(147,112,219)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [blueviolet]=(138,43,226)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkviolet]=(148,0,211)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkorchid]=(153,50,204)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkmagenta]=(139,0,139)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [purple]=(128,0,128)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [indigo]=(75,0,130)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [pink]=(255,192,203)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightpink]=(255,182,193)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [hotpink]=(255,105,180)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [deeppink]=(255,20,147)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [palevioletred]=(219,112,147)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mediumvioletred]=(199,21,133)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [white]=(255,255,255)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [snow]=(255,250,250)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [honeydew]=(240,255,240)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mintcream]=(245,255,250)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [azure]=(240,255,255)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [aliceblue]=(240,248,255)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [ghostwhite]=(248,248,255)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [whitesmoke]=(245,245,245)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [seashell]=(255,245,238)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [beige]=(245,245,220)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [oldlace]=(253,245,230)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [floralwhite]=(255,250,240)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [ivory]=(255,255,240)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [antiquewhite]=(250,235,215)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [linen]=(250,240,230)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lavenderblush]=(255,240,245)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [mistyrose]=(255,228,225)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [gainsboro]=(220,220,220)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightgray]=(211,211,211)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [silver]=(192,192,192)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkgray]=(169,169,169)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [gray]=(128,128,128)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [dimgray]=(105,105,105)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [lightslategray]=(119,136,153)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [slategray]=(112,128,144)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [darkslategray]=(47,79,79)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [black]=(0,0,0)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [cornsilk]=(255,248,220)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [blanchedalmond]=(255,235,205)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [bisque]=(255,228,196)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [navajowhite]=(255,222,173)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [wheat]=(245,222,179)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [burlywood]=(222,184,135)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [tan]=(210,180,140)
[18][0] :        I/O: Reading color [rosybrown]=(188,143,143)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [sandybrown]=(244,164,96)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [goldenrod]=(218,165,32)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [peru]=(205,133,63)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [chocolate]=(210,105,30)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [saddlebrown]=(139,69,19)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [sienna]=(160,82,45)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [brown]=(165,42,42)
[19][0] :        I/O: Reading color [maroon]=(128,0,0)
[23][0] :        I/O; Warning: Cannot find rsvg converter. You will not be able to load SVG images.
[23][0] :        Warning: SDL initialized
INFO: Using SDL 2.0.14
[23][0] :        Event: SDL Events initialized
[23][0] :        Event: Register new event type:user (32768)
[23][0] :        Event: Register new event type:stop (32769)
[23][0] :        Event: Register new event type:stopped (32770)
[23][0] :        Event: Register new event type:mouse_enter (32771)
[23][0] :        Event: Register new event type:mouse_leave (32772)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:redraw (32773)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:mouse_at_rest (32774)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:startup (32775)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:var_changed (32776)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:update (32777)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:sync_action (32778)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:keyboard_focus (32779)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:mouse_focus (32780)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:remove_layout (32781)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:destroy_window (32782)
[24][0] :        Event: Register new event type:not_used (32783)
[24][0] :        Board: Layout #1 (dummy) created.
[24][0] :        I/O: Checking image file size /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/assets/images/chl.png
[148][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video initialized
[148][0] :       Graphics; Warning: Using SCALE=1.000000
[148][0] :       Memory: Create surface_load (/home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/default/bogue-icon.png)
[148][0] :       Graphics: SDL Image initialized
[148][0] :       Memory: Create surface_load (/home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/assets/images/chl.png)
[149][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (330,290)
1v = Rich text and vertical layout sliding from right.
[149][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[149][0] :       Graphics: SDL TTF initialized
[149][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[153][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[153][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[153][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #2 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #3 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #4 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #5 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #6 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #7 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #8 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #9 created.
[153][0] :       Board: Layout #10 (windows_house) created.
[153][0] :       Board: Make window for layout #9 (stack 1).
[153][0] :       Graphics: Make window
[153][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[153][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[155][0] :       Graphics: SDL Window created
[155][0] :       Graphics: Window pixel format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888
[182][0] :       Graphics: Window size (SDL) = (276,392)
[182][0] :       Graphics: Window position (SDL) = (822,344)
[182][0] :       Graphics: Renderer name = opengl
[182][0] :       Graphics: Renderer size = (276,392)
[182][0] :       Graphics: Render target supported: true
[182][0] :       Graphics: Canvas created
[182][0] :       Graphics: Fill color = 255,255,255
[182][0] :       Graphics: SDL Video already initialized
[182][0] :       I/O: Loading font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/font-awesome-4.6.3/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf (18)
[182][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf ()
[183][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (17,18)
[183][0] :       Memory: Font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/font-awesome-4.6.3/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf (18) was found in cache
[183][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf ()
[183][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (15,18)
[183][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf ()
[184][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (11,12)
[184][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf ()
[184][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (10,12)
[185][0] :       Graphics: Update background
[195][0] :       Event: New animation started. Total=1
[195][0] :       Event: Animation finished. Total remaining=0
[195][0] :       Event: New animation started. Total=1
[195][0] :       Board: check button: false
[195][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[195][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[195][0] :       I/O: Loading font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf (20)
[195][0] :       Memory: Create rgb_surface (256,30)
[195][0] :       Graphics: render word:Text
[195][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Text)
[195][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (39,23)
[195][0] :       Graphics: render word:samples
[195][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (samples)
[196][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (73,23)
[196][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (256,30)
[196][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[196][0] :       I/O: Loading font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf (14)
[196][0] :       Memory: Create rgb_surface (256,50)
[196][0] :       Graphics: render word:Original:
[196][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Original:)
[197][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (54,18)
[197][0] :       Graphics: render word:Hello
[197][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Hello)
[197][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (34,16)
[197][0] :       Graphics: render word:I
[197][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (I)
[197][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (4,16)
[197][0] :       Graphics: render word:am
[197][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (am)
[197][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (19,16)
[197][0] :       Graphics: render word:bold
[197][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (bold)
[197][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (32,16)
[197][0] :       Graphics: render word:and
[197][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (and)
[197][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (23,16)
[197][0] :       Graphics: render word:italic.
[197][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (italic.)
[198][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (39,16)
[198][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (256,50)
[198][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[198][0] :       Memory: Font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf (14) was found in cache
[198][0] :       Memory: Create rgb_surface (256,50)
[198][0] :       Graphics: render word:Force
[198][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Force)
[199][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (36,17)
[199][0] :       Graphics: render word:normal
[199][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (normal)
[199][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (44,17)
[199][0] :       Graphics: render word:style:
[199][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (style:)
[199][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (34,17)
[199][0] :       Graphics: render word:Hello
[199][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Hello)
[199][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (34,16)
[199][0] :       Graphics: render word:I
[199][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (I)
[199][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (4,16)
[200][0] :       Graphics: render word:am
[200][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (am)
[200][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (19,16)
[200][0] :       Graphics: render word:bold
[200][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (bold)
[200][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (28,16)
[200][0] :       Graphics: render word:and
[200][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (and)
[200][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (23,16)
[200][0] :       Graphics: render word:italic.
[200][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (italic.)
[200][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (35,16)
[200][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (256,50)
[200][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[200][0] :       Memory: Font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf (14) was found in cache
[200][0] :       Memory: Create rgb_surface (256,50)
[200][0] :       Graphics: render word:Force bold:
[200][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Force bold:)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (70,17)
[201][0] :       Graphics: render word:Hello
[201][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Hello)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (39,16)
[201][0] :       Graphics: render word:I
[201][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (I)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (5,16)
[201][0] :       Graphics: render word:am
[201][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (am)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (21,16)
[201][0] :       Graphics: render word:bold
[201][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (bold)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (32,16)
[201][0] :       Graphics: render word:and
[201][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (and)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (26,16)
[201][0] :       Graphics: render word:italic.
[201][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (italic.)
[201][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (46,16)
[202][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (256,50)
[202][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[202][0] :       Memory: Font /home/slegrand45/.opam/4.14.0/share/bogue/themes/common/fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf (14) was found in cache
[202][0] :       Memory: Create rgb_surface (256,50)
[202][0] :       Graphics: render word:Force
[202][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Force)
[202][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (36,17)
[202][0] :       Graphics: render word:italic:
[202][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (italic:)
[202][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (35,17)
[202][0] :       Graphics: render word:Hello
[202][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (Hello)
[202][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (38,16)
[202][0] :       Graphics: render word:I
[202][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (I)
[202][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (7,16)
[202][0] :       Graphics: render word:am
[202][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (am)
[202][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (23,16)
[202][0] :       Graphics: render word:bold
[202][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (bold)
[203][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (36,16)
[203][0] :       Graphics: render word:and
[203][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (and)
[203][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (30,16)
[203][0] :       Graphics: render word:italic.
[203][0] :       Memory: Create surface_ttf (italic.)
[203][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (46,16)
[203][0] :       Memory: Freeing surface (256,50)
[203][0] :       Board: draw box
[203][0] :       Board: Has focus: NO
[203][0] :       Board: check button: false
[203][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[203][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[203][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[203][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[203][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[203][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[203][0] :       Board: draw box
[203][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[203][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[203][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[203][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[203][0] :       Graphics: Present
[209][0] :       Event: Event loop 0
[209][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: Window event [6]
[209][0] :       Event: Size_changed => Resize to (276,392)
[209][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[209][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[209][0] :       Event: Event loop 1
[209][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: Window event [1]
[209][0] :       Event: Shown
[209][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[209][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[209][0] :       Event: Event loop 2
[209][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: Window event [3]
[209][0] :       Event: Exposed
[209][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[209][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[209][0] :       Event: Event loop 3
[209][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[209][0] :       Event: Window event [10]
[209][0] :       Event: Enter
[209][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[209][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[209][0] :       Event: Event loop 4
[209][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[209][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[209][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[209][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[209][0] :       Board: Mouse pos:(251,0)
[209][0] :       Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[209][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 5 events processed.
[209][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[209][0] :       Graphics: Wait=16, Avg. =16
[225][0] :       Board: check button: false
[225][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[225][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[225][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[225][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[225][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[225][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[225][0] :       Board: draw box
[225][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[225][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[225][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[225][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[225][0] :       Graphics: Present
[226][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 1 ms
[226][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[226][0] :       Event: Event loop 0
[226][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[226][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[226][0] :       Event: Window event [15]
[226][0] :       Event: Take_focus
[226][0] :       Board: Mouse pos:(251,0)
[226][0] :       Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[226][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[226][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[226][0] :       Event: Event loop 1
[226][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[226][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[226][0] :       Event: Window event [12]
[226][0] :       Event: focus_gained
[226][0] :       Board: Mouse pos:(251,0)
[227][0] :       Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[227][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[227][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[227][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 2 events processed.
[227][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[227][0] :       Graphics: Wait=15, Avg. =15
[242][0] :       Board: check button: false
[242][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[242][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[242][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[242][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[242][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[242][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[242][0] :       Board: draw box
[242][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[242][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[242][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[242][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[242][0] :       Graphics: Present
[243][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 1 ms
[244][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[244][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[244][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[245][0] :       Graphics: Wait=14, Avg. =15
[259][0] :       Board: check button: false
[259][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[259][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[259][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[259][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[259][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[259][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[259][0] :       Board: draw box
[259][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[259][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[259][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[259][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[259][0] :       Graphics: Present
[259][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[259][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[259][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[259][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[259][0] :       Graphics: Wait=16, Avg. =15
[276][0] :       Board: check button: false
[276][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[276][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[276][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[276][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[276][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[276][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[276][0] :       Board: draw box
[289][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[289][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[289][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[289][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[289][0] :       Graphics: Present
[290][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 14 ms
[290][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[290][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[290][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[290][0] :       Graphics: Warning: cannot keep up required FPS=60 (wait=2)
[300][0] :       Board: check button: false
[300][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[300][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[300][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[301][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[301][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[301][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[301][0] :       Board: draw box
[301][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[301][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[301][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[301][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[301][0] :       Graphics: Present
[302][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 2 ms
[302][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[302][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[302][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[302][0] :       Graphics: Warning: cannot keep up required FPS=60 (wait=4)
[307][0] :       Board: check button: false
[307][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[307][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[307][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[308][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[308][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[308][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[308][0] :       Board: draw box
[308][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[308][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[308][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[308][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[308][0] :       Graphics: Present
[309][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 2 ms
[309][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[309][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[309][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[309][0] :       Graphics: Wait=9, Avg. =9
[319][0] :       Board: check button: false
[319][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[319][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[319][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[319][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[319][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[319][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[319][0] :       Board: draw box
[319][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[319][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[319][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[319][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[319][0] :       Graphics: Present
[319][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[319][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[319][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[319][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[319][0] :       Graphics: Wait=16, Avg. =12
[335][0] :       Board: check button: false
[335][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[335][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[336][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[336][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[336][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[336][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[337][0] :       Board: draw box
[337][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[337][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[337][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[337][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[337][0] :       Graphics: Present
[337][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 2 ms
[337][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[337][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[337][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[337][0] :       Graphics: Wait=15, Avg. =13
[352][0] :       Board: check button: false
[352][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[352][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[352][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[352][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[352][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[352][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[352][0] :       Board: draw box
[352][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[352][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[352][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[352][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[352][0] :       Graphics: Present
[353][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 1 ms
[353][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[353][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[353][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[353][0] :       Graphics: Wait=15, Avg. =13
[368][0] :       Board: check button: false
[368][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[368][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[368][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[368][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[368][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[368][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[368][0] :       Board: draw box
[368][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[368][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[368][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[368][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[368][0] :       Graphics: Present
[369][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 1 ms
[369][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[369][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[369][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[369][0] :       Graphics: Wait=16, Avg. =14
[386][0] :       Board: check button: false
[386][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[386][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[386][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[386][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[386][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[386][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[386][0] :       Board: draw box
[386][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[386][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[386][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[386][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[386][0] :       Graphics: Present
[399][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 14 ms
[399][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[399][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[399][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[399][0] :       Graphics: Warning: cannot keep up required FPS=60 (wait=3)
[404][0] :       Board: check button: false
[404][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[405][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[405][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[406][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[406][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[407][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[407][0] :       Board: draw box
[407][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[407][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[407][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[407][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[407][0] :       Graphics: Present
[408][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 4 ms
[409][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[409][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[412][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[412][0] :       Graphics: Warning: cannot keep up required FPS=60 (wait=3)
[424][0] :       Board: check button: false
[425][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[425][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[426][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[427][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[435][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[435][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[435][0] :       Board: draw box
[435][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[435][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[435][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[435][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[435][0] :       Graphics: Present
[457][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 33 ms
[458][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[458][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[458][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[458][0] :       Graphics: Warning: cannot keep up required FPS=60 (wait=-30)
[464][0] :       Board: check button: false
[464][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[464][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[465][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[466][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[466][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[466][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[466][0] :       Board: draw box
[466][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[466][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[466][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[467][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[469][0] :       Graphics: Present
[470][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 6 ms
[470][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[470][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[470][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[470][0] :       Graphics: Warning: cannot keep up required FPS=60 (wait=4)
[476][0] :       Board: check button: false
[476][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[476][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[476][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[476][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[476][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[476][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[476][0] :       Board: draw box
[476][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[476][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[476][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[476][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[477][0] :       Graphics: Present
[480][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 5 ms
[480][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[480][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[480][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[480][0] :       Graphics: Wait=6, Avg. =6
[486][0] :       Board: check button: false
[487][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[487][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[487][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[487][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[487][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[487][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[487][0] :       Board: draw box
[487][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[487][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[487][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[487][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[487][0] :       Graphics: Present
[487][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 1 ms
[488][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[488][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[488][0] :       Graphics:  * Animation running...
[488][0] :       Graphics: Wait=15, Avg. =10
[503][0] :       Event: Animation finished. Total remaining=0
[503][0] :       Board: check button: false
[503][0] :       Graphics: Display button
[503][0] :       Board: text display: Text samples

[508][0] :       Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[508][0] :       Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[508][0] :       Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[508][0] :       Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[508][0] :       Board: draw box
[508][0] :       Graphics: clear=true
[508][0] :       Graphics: flip layout #9
[508][0] :       Graphics: Clear canvas
[508][0] :       Graphics: Render layers
[508][0] :       Graphics: Present
[509][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 6 ms
[509][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[509][0] :       Event: Animation: we end the event loop, 0 events processed.
[514][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[514][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[514][0] :       Event: Pushing event 0x8006 (mouse_at_rest)
[524][0] :       Event: Event loop 0
[524][0] :       Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x8006 (mouse_at_rest)
[524][0] :       Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x8006 (mouse_at_rest)
[524][0] :       Board: No board.button_down
[524][0] :       Board: Target: select mouse widget
[524][0] :       Event: Mouse AT REST
[524][0] :       Event: No more events, 1 events processed.
[530][0] :       Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[530][0] :       Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[1532][0] :      Event: Pushing event 0x8006 (mouse_at_rest)
[1543][0] :      Event: Event loop 0
[1543][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x8006 (mouse_at_rest)
[1543][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x8006 (mouse_at_rest)
[1543][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[1543][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[1543][0] :      Event: Mouse AT REST
[1543][0] :      Event: No more events, 1 events processed.
[1549][0] :      Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[1549][0] :      Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[2190][0] :      Event: Event loop 0
[2190][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2190][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2191][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[2191][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[2191][0] :      Board: Mouse pos:(274,9)
[2191][0] :      Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[2191][0] :      Event: Event loop 1
[2191][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2191][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2191][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[2191][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[2191][0] :      Board: Mouse pos:(274,9)
[2191][0] :      Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[2191][0] :      Event: No more events, 2 events processed.
[2196][0] :      Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[2196][0] :      Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[2207][0] :      Event: Event loop 0
[2207][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2207][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2207][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[2208][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[2208][0] :      Board: Mouse pos:(271,4)
[2216][0] :      Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[2216][0] :      Event: Event loop 1
[2216][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2216][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2217][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[2217][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[2217][0] :      Board: Mouse pos:(271,4)
[2217][0] :      Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[2217][0] :      Event: No more events, 2 events processed.
[2222][0] :      Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[2222][0] :      Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[2222][0] :      Event: Event loop 0
[2222][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2222][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x400 (mouse_motion)
[2222][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[2222][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[2222][0] :      Board: Mouse pos:(270,1)
[2222][0] :      Graphics: Number of layers detected under mouse: 0 ()
[2222][0] :      Event: No more events, 1 events processed.
[2227][0] :      Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[2227][0] :      Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[2238][0] :      Event: Event loop 0
[2238][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[2238][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[2238][0] :      Event: Window event [11]
[2238][0] :      Event: Leave
[2238][0] :      Board: Mouse pos:(270,1)
[2238][0] :      Board: No board.button_down
[2238][0] :      Board: Target: select mouse widget
[2238][0] :      Event: No more events, 1 events processed.
[2243][0] :      Board: check button: false
[2243][0] :      Graphics: Display button
[2243][0] :      Board: text display: Text samples

[2243][0] :      Board: text display: Original:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[2243][0] :      Board: text display: Force normal style:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[2243][0] :      Board: text display: Force bold:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[2243][0] :      Board: text display: Force italic:
Hello I am bold and italic.

[2243][0] :      Board: draw box
[2243][0] :      Graphics: clear=true
[2243][0] :      Graphics: flip layout #9
[2243][0] :      Graphics: Clear canvas
[2243][0] :      Graphics: Render layers
[2243][0] :      Graphics: Present
[2243][0] :      Graphics: ==> Rendering took 0 ms
[2243][0] :      Graphics: ---------- end of loop -----------
[2649][0] :      Event: Event loop 0
[2649][0] :      Event: 1==> Filtering event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[2649][0] :      Event: 2==> Treating event type: 0x200 (window_event)
[2649][0] :      Event: Window event [14]
[2649][0] :      Event; Board: Asking window to close
[2649][0] :      Board: ** Remove window #2 (Layout #9)
[2650][0] :      Board: Closing layout...
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #2
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #3
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #4
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #5
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #6
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #7
[2650][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #8
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #9
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #2
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #3
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #4
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #5
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #6
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #7
[2650][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #8
[2660][0] :      Memory: 10 textures destroyed
[2673][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #2
[2673][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #3
[2674][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #4
[2674][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #5
[2674][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #6
[2674][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #7
[2674][0] :      Memory: Unloading texture for widget #8
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #9
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #2
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #3
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #4
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #5
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #6
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #7
[2674][0] :      Memory: Delete background for room #8
[2674][0] :      Board: No more windows. We quit.
[2674][0] :      Memory: All zombies have been killed! Congratulations!
[2674][0] :      Board: Quitting...
[2674][0] :      Graphics: Quitting SDL TTF
[2675][0] :      Graphics: Quitting SDL Image
[2675][0] :      Graphics: Quitting SDL Video
[2676][0] :      Graphics: Cleaning up 0 SDL_TTF surfaces...
[2677][0] :      Memory: Freeing surface (123,128)
[2677][0] :      Event: Quitting SDL Events
[2677][0] :      Graphics: Exit SDL...
[0][0] :         Graphics: Done.
sanette commented 2 years ago

hmm. the logs look completely normal. Do yo know if your SDL/opengl driver supports render targets?

sanette commented 2 years ago

oh yes sorry this is written in your log:

[182][0] :       Graphics: Render target supported: true
slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

If it can help, the following basic program in pure Tsdl works ok for me:

open Tsdl

let main () = match Sdl.init with
| Error (`Msg e) -> Sdl.log "Init error: %s" e; exit 1
| Ok () ->
    match Sdl.create_window ~w:500 ~h:500 "SDL Window" Sdl.Window.shown with
    | Error (`Msg e) -> Sdl.log "Create window error: %s" e; exit 1
    | Ok w ->
        match Sdl.create_renderer w with
        | Error (`Msg e) -> Sdl.log "Create renderer error: %s" e; exit 1
        | Ok renderer ->
            let _ = Sdl.set_render_draw_color renderer 255 0 0 255 in
            let _ = Sdl.render_clear renderer in
            let rect = Sdl.Rect.create ~x:50 ~y:50 ~w:50 ~h:50 in
            let _ = Sdl.set_render_draw_color renderer 0 0 255 255 in
            let _ = Sdl.render_fill_rect renderer (Some rect) in
            let _ = Sdl.render_present renderer in
            let _ = Sdl.delay 3000l in
            let _ = Sdl.destroy_window w in
            let _ = Sdl.quit () in
            exit 0

let () = main ()

So it seems Tsdl works ok. May be the problem is related to a weird case between Bogue and my specific configuration (Linux in ChromeOS) ?

sanette commented 2 years ago

I tried on a Debian 11 live CD (via Virtualbox) and it works without any problem: Screenshot_20220605_111040

sanette commented 2 years ago

maybe your opengl has different defaults... You can try inserting your code snippet above in the init function, or simply the lines

let _ = Sdl.set_render_draw_color renderer 255 0 0 255 in
            let _ = Sdl.render_clear renderer in
sanette commented 2 years ago

init function is also in

sanette commented 2 years ago

you can also remove the hidden flag in thecreate_window function (and also allow_highdpi)

slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

Ok, i finally found the culprit 😃 ! If i remove the two following lines from the init function in, everything is ok :

go (Sdl.gl_set_attribute Sdl.Gl.multisamplebuffers 1);
go (Sdl.gl_set_attribute Sdl.Gl.multisamplesamples 4);
sanette commented 2 years ago

great, congrats! I think I added these lines at some point for performance reasons, but it could be better to remove them altogether, then...

sanette commented 2 years ago

Could you tell me what you get from Sdl.gl_get_attribute Sdl.Gl.multisamplebuffers and Sdl.gl_get_attribute Sdl.Gl.multisamplesamples on your system?

slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

I get 0 for the two attributes.

sanette commented 2 years ago

do you also get 0 after trying to set Sdl.Gl.multisamplebuffers to 1?

slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

No, if i keep the two gl_set_attribute lines, i get 1 for multisamplebuffers and 4 for multisamplesamples.

By the way, i had to put the gl_get_attribute lines at the end of the init function. If i put them right after the two gl_set_attributes, i get an error No GL driver has been loaded.

sanette commented 2 years ago

many thanks for testing. it means that I cannot rely on the value of these attributes to detect if they are correctly working or not. I think I'm going to make multisampling optional (and off by default)

sanette commented 2 years ago

I have updated the repo, could you try if this works for you now?

slegrand45 commented 2 years ago

That is perfect! Thank you very much for your help.