sanger-pathogens / iva

de novo virus assembler of Illumina paired reads
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Failed to make first seed. Cannot continue #91

Open glinchan opened 5 years ago

glinchan commented 5 years ago

I am running into the error "Failed to make first seed. Cannot continue"

I am running on mac with the command

ulimit -n 2048; iva --threads 8 -f read1_val_1.fq.gz -r read2_val_2.fq.gz Assembly

homonecloco commented 2 years ago

Any hints on how to solve this? I'm getting the same issue

homonecloco commented 2 years ago

My info.txt file is:

/usr/local/bin/iva --trimmomatic /Trimmomatic-0.38/trimmomatic-0.38.jar --adapters /base/adapters.fasta -f /base/Reads/CiervoP4_S36_R1_001.fastq.gz -r /base/Reads/CiervoP4_S36_R2_001.fastq.gz /base/01_assemblies//asm_CiervoP4_S36
IVA version 1.0.8
Using kmc version 3.0.0
Using kmc_dump version 3.0.0
Using nucmer version 3.1
Using samtools version 1.3
Using smalt version 0.7.6
Failed to make first seed. Cannot continue

Using the docker image

vera-rykalina commented 5 months ago

The same thing at my end. Looks there won't be any update here.