sanger-tol / PretextView

OpenGL Powered Pretext Contact Map Viewer
27 stars 7 forks source link

Error v0.2.5 full release MacOSX Monterey 12.4 #16

Closed csantos-alvess closed 2 years ago

csantos-alvess commented 2 years ago

Hi Ed,

I am facing problems when I try to load a map in the latest version of pretextView. The program used to work in earlier versions of Monterey. The error is followed by this message below. Can you help me, please?

Thanks, Camilla

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: PretextView [1292] Path: /private/var/folders/*/ Identifier: com.example.www Version: 0.2.5 (???) Code Type: X86-64 (Translated) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2022-05-26 18:42:54.8280 -0300 OS Version: macOS 12.4 (21F79) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 452AC72D-2889-AF38-DC86-17321BF93CD4

Time Awake Since Boot: 960 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000080002c700040 -> 0x000000002c700040 (possible pointer authentication failure) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000080002c700040 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [1292]

VM Region Info: 0x2c700040 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 3597250496 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL UNUSED SPACE AT START --->
__TEXT 102d9b000-102e9a000 [ 1020K] r-x/rwx SM=COW ...S/PretextView

Kernel Triage: VM - pmap_enter failed with resource shortage VM - pmap_enter failed with resource shortage

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 PretextView 0x102ddfa27 UpdateContigsFromMapState() + 1079 1 PretextView 0x102dbb50d LoadFile(char const, memory_arena, char*, unsigned long long) + 3661 2 PretextView 0x102dadcdc main + 8588 3 dyld 0x2031d951e start + 462

Thread 1:: 0 runtime 0x7ff7ffdb89c4 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 18884 1 runtime 0x7ff7ffdc6460 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 74848 2 runtime 0x7ff7ffdc7ed8 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 81624

Thread 2: 0 ??? 0x7ff8aeeba940 ??? 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81e9073ea __psynch_cvwait + 10 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e941a6f _pthread_cond_wait + 1249 3 PretextView 0x102ddeb5b ThreadFunc(void*) + 171 4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e9414e1 _pthread_start + 125 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e93cf6b thread_start + 15

Thread 3: 0 ??? 0x7ff8aeeba940 ??? 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81e9073ea __psynch_cvwait + 10 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e941a6f _pthread_cond_wait + 1249 3 PretextView 0x102ddeb5b ThreadFunc(void*) + 171 4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e9414e1 _pthread_start + 125 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e93cf6b thread_start + 15

Thread 4: 0 ??? 0x7ff8aeeba940 ??? 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81e9073ea __psynch_cvwait + 10 2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e941a6f _pthread_cond_wait + 1249 3 PretextView 0x102ddeb5b ThreadFunc(void*) + 171 4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e9414e1 _pthread_start + 125 5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e93cf6b thread_start + 15

Thread 5: 0 runtime 0x7ff7ffdd6814 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 141332

Thread 6: 0 runtime 0x7ff7ffdd6814 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 141332

Thread 7: 0 runtime 0x7ff7ffdd6814 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 141332

Thread 8: 0 runtime 0x7ff7ffdd6814 0x7ff7ffdb4000 + 141332

Thread 9:: 0 ??? 0x7ff8aeeba940 ??? 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81e90497a mach_msg_trap + 10 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81e904ce8 mach_msg + 56 3 CoreFoundation 0x7ff81ea07540 CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 319 4 CoreFoundation 0x7ff81ea05bd0 CFRunLoopRun + 1276 5 CoreFoundation 0x7ff81ea05014 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 562 6 AppKit 0x7ff8214e8c1e _NSEventThread + 132 7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e9414e1 _pthread_start + 125 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e93cf6b thread_start + 15

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit): rax: 0x00000000ffffffff rbx: 0x00007fb02c7400c0 rcx: 0x00007fb02c700050 rdx: 0x0000000000000000 rdi: 0x0000004fffffffb0 rsi: 0x00000000ffffffff rbp: 0x000000030a024860 rsp: 0x000000030a024838 r8: 0x0000000000007fff r9: 0x0000000000007fff r10: 0x0000000000000000 r11: 0x0000000000007fff r12: 0x000000000003fff8 r13: 0x0000000000007fff r14: 0x0000000000007fff r15: 0x00007fb02c700070 rip: rfl: 0x0000000000000283 tmp0: 0x000080002c700000 tmp1: 0x0000000102dbb4fe tmp2: 0x0000000102dbb50d

Binary Images: 0x102d9b000 - 0x102e99fff com.example.www (0.2.5) /private/var/folders// 0x2031d4000 - 0x20323ffff dyld () /usr/lib/dyld 0x7ff7ffdb4000 - 0x7ff7ffde3fff runtime () <0ee8ce32-639c-316a-9551-dab9a2e0c8a5> /usr/libexec/rosetta/runtime 0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? () <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ??? 0x7ff81e903000 - 0x7ff81e93afff libsystem_kernel.dylib () <61711d11-e776-3bc3-b9a2-6f9f37cb8499> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81e93b000 - 0x7ff81e946fff libsystem_pthread.dylib () /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81e988000 - 0x7ff81ee88fff (6.9) <9c8908f2-e5e0-35b7-9f41-fdf8d7476d8b> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7ff82133c000 - 0x7ff8221cafff (6.9) <832ad371-d3b8-3061-b4e2-1c4e0cffce0b> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit

External Modification Summary: Calls made by other processes targeting this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by all processes on this machine: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=991.1M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=991.1M(100%) Writable regions: Total=2.4G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2.4G(100%)

                            VIRTUAL   REGION 

REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= Accelerate framework 640K 5 Activity Tracing 256K 1 CG backing stores 1920K 4 CG image 1064K 35 CG raster data 196K 1 ColorSync 224K 26 CoreAnimation 3072K 22 CoreGraphics 12K 2 CoreUI image data 1628K 14 Foundation 48K 2 Kernel Alloc Once 8K 1 MALLOC 544.8M 53 MALLOC guard page 192K 8 MALLOC_LARGE (reserved) 512.0M 2 reserved VM address space (unallocated) MALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved) 832.0M 7 reserved VM address space (unallocated) MALLOC_NANO (reserved) 384.0M 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated) OpenGL GLSL 256K 3 Rosetta Arena 4096K 2 Rosetta Generic 968K 239 Rosetta IndirectBranch 1024K 1 Rosetta JIT 128.0M 1 Rosetta Return Stack 180K 18 Rosetta Thread Context 180K 18 STACK GUARD 16K 4 Stack 12.1M 9 Stack Guard 56.0M 5 VM_ALLOCATE 10.9M 458 VM_ALLOCATE (reserved) 4K 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated) CTF 756 1 DATA 20.8M 354 DATA_CONST 17.4M 208 __DATA_DIRTY 913K 128 FONT_DATA 4K 1 GLSLBUILTINS 5176K 1 LINKEDIT 707.4M 13 OBJC_RO 82.7M 1 __OBJC_RW 3200K 2 TEXT 283.8M 368 __UNICODE 592K 1 dyld private memory 1024K 1 mapped file 5.1G 502 shared memory 820K 15 unshared pmap 10.0M 8 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 8.7G 2547 TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 7.0G 2547

Full Report

{"app_name":"PretextView","timestamp":"2022-05-26 18:43:01.00 -0300","app_version":"0.2.5","slice_uuid":"bfb88aa3-c4f6-3f35-b0cc-a3f656cb28d9","build_version":"","platform":1,"bundleID":"com.example.www","share_with_app_devs":1,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"macOS 12.4 (21F79)","incident_id":"051372E3-9FB5-4E7B-891D-01D0341540E0","name":"PretextView"} { "uptime" : 960, "procLaunch" : "2022-05-26 18:42:39.2326 -0300", "procRole" : "Foreground", "version" : 2, "userID" : 501, "deployVersion" : 210, "modelCode" : "MacBookAir10,1", "procStartAbsTime" : 22846139323, "coalitionID" : 1111, "osVersion" : { "train" : "macOS 12.4", "build" : "21F79", "releaseType" : "User" }, "captureTime" : "2022-05-26 18:42:54.8280 -0300", "incident" : "051372E3-9FB5-4E7B-891D-01D0341540E0", "bug_type" : "309", "pid" : 1292, "procExitAbsTime" : 23220216593, "translated" : true, "cpuType" : "X86-64", "procName" : "PretextView", "procPath" : "\/private\/var\/folders\/\/\/Contents\/MacOS\/PretextView", "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"0.2.5","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.example.www"}, "storeInfo" : {"deviceIdentifierForVendor":"9E5ABD08-0A82-5D45-8306-AB9440AA0BFB","thirdParty":true}, "parentProc" : "launchd", "parentPid" : 1, "coalitionName" : "com.example.www", "crashReporterKey" : "452AC72D-2889-AF38-DC86-17321BF93CD4", "sip" : "enabled", "vmRegionInfo" : "0x2c700040 is not in any region. 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Bytes before following region: 3597250496\n REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT\/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL\n UNUSED SPACE AT START\n---> \n TEXT 102d9b000-102e9a000 [ 1020K] r-x\/rwx SM=COW ...S\/PretextView", "extMods" : {"caller":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"system":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"targeted":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"warnings":0}, "faultingThread" : 0, "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":24443,"threadState":{"flavor":"x86_THREAD_STATE","rbp":{"value":13052823648},"r12":{"value":262136},"rosetta":{"tmp2":{"value":4342920461},"tmp1":{"value":4342920446},"tmp0":{"value":140738233892864}},"rbx":{"value":140394636771520},"r8":{"value":32767},"r15":{"value":140394636509296},"r10":{"value":0},"rdx":{"value":0},"rdi":{"value":343597383600},"r9":{"value":32767},"r13":{"value":32767},"rflags":{"value":643},"rax":{"value":4294967295},"rsp":{"value":13052823608},"r11":{"value":32767},"rcx":{"value":140394636509264},"r14":{"value":32767},"rsi":{"value":4294967295}},"queue":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":281127,"symbol":"UpdateContigsFromMapState()","symbolLocation":1079,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":132365,"symbol":"LoadFile(char const, memory_arena*, char*, unsigned long long)","symbolLocation":3661,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":77020,"symbol":"main","symbolLocation":8588,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":21790,"symbol":"start","symbolLocation":462,"imageIndex":1}]},{"id":24456,"name":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":18884,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":74848,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":81624,"imageIndex":2}]},{"id":24459,"frames":[{"imageOffset":140706063296832,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":17386,"symbol":"psynch_cvwait","symbolLocation":10,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":27247,"symbol":"_pthread_cond_wait","symbolLocation":1249,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":277339,"symbol":"ThreadFunc(void)","symbolLocation":171,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":25825,"symbol":"_pthread_start","symbolLocation":125,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":8043,"symbol":"thread_start","symbolLocation":15,"imageIndex":5}]},{"id":24460,"frames":[{"imageOffset":140706063296832,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":17386,"symbol":"__psynch_cvwait","symbolLocation":10,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":27247,"symbol":"_pthread_cond_wait","symbolLocation":1249,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":277339,"symbol":"ThreadFunc(void)","symbolLocation":171,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":25825,"symbol":"_pthread_start","symbolLocation":125,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":8043,"symbol":"thread_start","symbolLocation":15,"imageIndex":5}]},{"id":24461,"frames":[{"imageOffset":140706063296832,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":17386,"symbol":"psynch_cvwait","symbolLocation":10,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":27247,"symbol":"_pthread_cond_wait","symbolLocation":1249,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":277339,"symbol":"ThreadFunc(void)","symbolLocation":171,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":25825,"symbol":"_pthread_start","symbolLocation":125,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":8043,"symbol":"thread_start","symbolLocation":15,"imageIndex":5}]},{"id":24463,"frames":[{"imageOffset":141332,"imageIndex":2}]},{"id":24464,"frames":[{"imageOffset":141332,"imageIndex":2}]},{"id":24465,"frames":[{"imageOffset":141332,"imageIndex":2}]},{"id":24467,"frames":[{"imageOffset":141332,"imageIndex":2}]},{"id":24483,"name":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":140706063296832,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":6522,"symbol":"mach_msg_trap","symbolLocation":10,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":7400,"symbol":"mach_msg","symbolLocation":56,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":521536,"symbol":"CFRunLoopServiceMachPort","symbolLocation":319,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":515024,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRun","symbolLocation":1276,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":512020,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRunSpecific","symbolLocation":562,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":1756190,"symbol":"_NSEventThread","symbolLocation":132,"imageIndex":7},{"imageOffset":25825,"symbol":"_pthread_start","symbolLocation":125,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":8043,"symbol":"thread_start","symbolLocation":15,"imageIndex":5}]}], "usedImages" : [ { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 4342788096, "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "0.2.5", "CFBundleIdentifier" : "com.example.www", "size" : 1044480, "uuid" : "bfb88aa3-c4f6-3f35-b0cc-a3f656cb28d9", "path" : "\/private\/var\/folders\/\/\/Contents\/MacOS\/PretextView", "name" : "PretextView" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 8642183168, "size" : 442368, "uuid" : "b70ce1ec-b902-3852-8268-05de00bfa8d5", "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/dyld", "name" : "dyld" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "arm64", "base" : 140703126208512, "size" : 196608, "uuid" : "0ee8ce32-639c-316a-9551-dab9a2e0c8a5", "path" : "\/usr\/libexec\/rosetta\/runtime", "name" : "runtime" }, { "size" : 0, "source" : "A", "base" : 0, "uuid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 140703641382912, "size" : 229376, "uuid" : "61711d11-e776-3bc3-b9a2-6f9f37cb8499", "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/system\/libsystem_kernel.dylib", "name" : "libsystem_kernel.dylib" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 140703641612288, "size" : 49152, "uuid" : "bc574849-1aae-31e7-b350-916dda999d97", "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/system\/libsystem_pthread.dylib", "name" : "libsystem_pthread.dylib" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 140703641927680, "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "6.9", "CFBundleIdentifier" : "", "size" : 5246976, "uuid" : "9c8908f2-e5e0-35b7-9f41-fdf8d7476d8b", "path" : "\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/CoreFoundation.framework\/Versions\/A\/CoreFoundation", "name" : "CoreFoundation", "CFBundleVersion" : "1863" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 140703685656576, "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "6.9", "CFBundleIdentifier" : "", "size" : 15265792, "uuid" : "832ad371-d3b8-3061-b4e2-1c4e0cffce0b", "path" : "\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/AppKit.framework\/Versions\/C\/AppKit", "name" : "AppKit", "CFBundleVersion" : "2113.50.132" } ], "sharedCache" : { "base" : 140703638355968, "size" : 15220686848, "uuid" : "53b6853f-0bc3-33f5-be72-1aca3a188ff8" }, "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=991.1M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=991.1M(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=2.4G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2.4G(100%)\n\n VIRTUAL REGION \nREGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) \n=========== ======= ======= \nAccelerate framework 640K 5 \nActivity Tracing 256K 1 \nCG backing stores 1920K 4 \nCG image 1064K 35 \nCG raster data 196K 1 \nColorSync 224K 26 \nCoreAnimation 3072K 22 \nCoreGraphics 12K 2 \nCoreUI image data 1628K 14 \nFoundation 48K 2 \nKernel Alloc Once 8K 1 \nMALLOC 544.8M 53 \nMALLOC guard page 192K 8 \nMALLOC_LARGE (reserved) 512.0M 2 reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nMALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved) 832.0M 7 reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nMALLOC_NANO (reserved) 384.0M 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nOpenGL GLSL 256K 3 \nRosetta Arena 4096K 2 \nRosetta Generic 968K 239 \nRosetta IndirectBranch 1024K 1 \nRosetta JIT 128.0M 1 \nRosetta Return Stack 180K 18 \nRosetta Thread Context 180K 18 \nSTACK GUARD 16K 4 \nStack 12.1M 9 \nStack Guard 56.0M 5 \nVM_ALLOCATE 10.9M 458 \nVM_ALLOCATE (reserved) 4K 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nCTF 756 1 \nDATA 20.8M 354 \nDATA_CONST 17.4M 208 \n__DATA_DIRTY 913K 128 \nFONT_DATA 4K 1 \nGLSLBUILTINS 5176K 1 \nLINKEDIT 707.4M 13 \nOBJC_RO 82.7M 1 \n__OBJC_RW 3200K 2 \nTEXT 283.8M 368 \n__UNICODE 592K 1 \ndyld private memory 1024K 1 \nmapped file 5.1G 502 \nshared memory 820K 15 \nunshared pmap 10.0M 8 \n=========== ======= ======= \nTOTAL 8.7G 2547 \nTOTAL, minus reserved VM space 7.0G 2547 \n", "legacyInfo" : { "threadTriggered" : { "queue" : "" } }, "trialInfo" : { "rollouts" : [ { "rolloutId" : "5ffde50ce2aacd000d47a95f", "factorPackIds" : {

  "deploymentId" : 240000149
  "rolloutId" : "61af99aeda72d16a4beb7756",
  "factorPackIds" : {

  "deploymentId" : 240000176

], "experiments" : [

] } }

Model: MacBookAir10,1, BootROM 7459.121.3, proc 8:4:4 processors, 8 GB, SMC Graphics: Apple M1, Apple M1, Built-In Display: Color LCD, 2560 x 1600 Retina, Main, MirrorOff, Online Memory Module: LPDDR4 AirPort: Wi-Fi, wl0: Mar 23 2022 19:57:59 version FWID 01-570be953 Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 USB Device: USB31Bus USB Device: USB3.1 Hub USB Device: Elements 2621 USB Device: USB2.1 Hub USB Device: USB31Bus Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.

csantos-alvess commented 2 years ago

The problem was my input file, sorry. Fixed!