sanger-tol / genomenote

This Nextflow DSL2 pipeline takes aligned HiC reads, creates contact maps and a table of statistics.
MIT License
19 stars 2 forks source link

Allow generating contact maps for multiple samples #103

Closed muffato closed 1 month ago

muffato commented 6 months ago

Whilst working on #102 I noticed that when given multiple Hi-C samples, the pipeline was only generating a contact map for the first of them. It's because the channel of the genome was a queue channel, not a value channel, meaning that the only value it had was consumed and could not be used for the second sample. I simply added a first to make it a value channel, and the pipeline now generates a contact map for each specimen.

Thanks to this, we can now test CRAM and BAM at the same time, although I personally find testing BAM is redundant with CRAM and I would recommend removing it.

PR checklist

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

nf-core lint overall result: Passed :white_check_mark: :warning:

Posted for pipeline commit 4d8e6df

+| ✅ 132 tests passed       |+
#| ❔  20 tests were ignored |#
!| ❗   1 tests had warnings |!
### :heavy_exclamation_mark: Test warnings: * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``manifest.version`` should end in ``dev``: ``'1.1.0'`` ### :grey_question: Tests ignored: * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `assets/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_dark.png` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `.github/workflows/awstest.yml` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `.github/workflows/awsfulltest.yml` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `conf/igenomes.config` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ignored: `` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ignored: `manifest.homePage` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `LICENSE` or `` or `LICENCE` or `` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `.github/` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `.github/workflows/linting.yml` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `assets/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_dark.png` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `lib/NfcoreTemplate.groovy` * [actions_ci]( - actions_ci * [actions_awstest]( - 'awstest.yml' workflow not found: `/home/runner/work/genomenote/genomenote/.github/workflows/awstest.yml` ### :white_check_mark: Tests passed: * [files_exist]( - File found: `.gitattributes` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.gitignore` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.nf-core.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.editorconfig` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.prettierignore` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.prettierrc.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `LICENSE` or `` or `LICENCE` or `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `nextflow_schema.json` * [files_exist]( - File found: `nextflow.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/.dockstore.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/branch.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/ci.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/linting_comment.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/linting.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/email_template.html` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/email_template.txt` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/sendmail_template.txt` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/modules.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/test.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/test_full.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/nfcore_external_java_deps.jar` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/NfcoreSchema.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/NfcoreTemplate.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/Utils.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/WorkflowMain.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/multiqc_config.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/base.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/WorkflowGenomenote.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `modules.json` * [files_exist]( - File found: `pyproject.toml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `Singularity` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `parameters.settings.json` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.nf-core.yaml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `bin/markdown_to_html.r` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `conf/aws.config` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/workflows/push_dockerhub.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo.png` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.markdownlint.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.yamllint.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Checks.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Completion.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Workflow.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.travis.yml` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.nextflowVersion` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.description` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.version` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `timeline.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `trace.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `report.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `dag.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.cpus` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.memory` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.time` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.outdir` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.input` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.show_hidden_params` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.schema_ignore_params` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.mainScript` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `timeline.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `trace.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `report.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `dag.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.nf_required_version` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.container` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.singleEnd` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.igenomesIgnore` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.enable_conda` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``timeline.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``report.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``trace.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``dag.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``dag.file`` ended with ``.html`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ``manifest.nextflowVersion`` started with >= or !>= * [nextflow_config]( - Config `params.custom_config_version` is set to `master` * [nextflow_config]( - Config `params.custom_config_base` is set to `` * [nextflow_config]( - Lines for loading custom profiles found * [files_unchanged]( - `.gitattributes` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.prettierrc.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/.dockstore.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/branch.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/linting_comment.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/email_template.html` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/email_template.txt` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/sendmail_template.txt` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `docs/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `lib/nfcore_external_java_deps.jar` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `lib/NfcoreSchema.groovy` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.gitignore` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.prettierignore` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `pyproject.toml` matches the template * [readme]( - README Nextflow minimum version badge matched config. Badge: `22.10.1`, Config: `22.10.1` * [readme]( - README Zenodo placeholder was replaced with DOI. * [pipeline_todos]( - No TODO strings found * [pipeline_name_conventions]( - Name adheres to nf-core convention * [template_strings]( - Did not find any Jinja template strings (108 files) * [schema_lint]( - Schema lint passed * [schema_lint]( - Schema title + description lint passed * [schema_lint]( - Input mimetype lint passed: 'text/csv' * [schema_params]( - Schema matched params returned from nextflow config * [system_exit]( - No `System.exit` calls found * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: clean-up.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: linting_comment.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: fix-linting.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: branch.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: sanger_test_full.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: linting.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: sanger_test.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: ci.yml * [merge_markers]( - No merge markers found in pipeline files * [modules_json]( - Only installed modules found in `modules.json` * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' follows the ordering scheme of the minimally required plugins. * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains 'export_plots: true'. * [modules_structure]( - modules directory structure is correct 'modules/nf-core/TOOL/SUBTOOL' ### Run details * nf-core/tools version 2.8 * Run at `2023-12-19 18:37:23`
muffato commented 6 months ago

A single HiC sample is used to generate genome, so why would we want to generate two HiC maps for separate samples. I do not understand the biological use case.

For some species there are multiple HiC libraries from different individuals, sometimes from different strains / populations because we want to explicitly look at how the karyotype structure changes between individuals.

The small change here simply allows generating their contact maps in the same pipeline run, which is slightly more efficient than running the pipeline multiple times.

muffato commented 1 month ago

Closing in favour of #112