sanger-tol / genomenote

This Nextflow DSL2 pipeline takes aligned HiC reads, creates contact maps and a table of statistics.
MIT License
19 stars 2 forks source link

Busco, FastK on large genomes, Completeness #99

Closed muffato closed 6 months ago

muffato commented 6 months ago

I fix multiple things in this PR.

  1. I simplify the memory request of BUSCO and fix the unit that check_max had to compare it against.
  2. I noticed that withName: BUSCO block in conf/base.config was ignored in test mode. I think it must be conflicting with the entry that was at the end of conf/modules.config. I've found that I can instead get the profile names and change the settings directly in a closure. It's going to be easier that way because everything is in the same place
  3. I use the latest version of FastK/MerquryFK, which now support >2 Gbp sequences. This required building our own container (now available on as the tools are not on Conda, and making a module patch.
  4. The problem with the create_table script was that it couldn't pair the sample name it was parsing from the name of the QV file with the name of the Completeness file. I found that it only happens when those files come a k-mer database generated inside the pipeline from BAM files, because the script expects the _T1 suffixes and these are removed from in order to merge multiple BAM files. We didn't see the bug very often so far because for most species we find an existing k-mer database on disk, which leaves unedited. I made the script:
    1. Cleanly remove the file extensions (.qv, .completeness.stats) and the _T1 suffixes, and only those. No need to split by / either as os.path.basename does that cleanly.
    2. The script now reports any issue it finds when parsing the files, especially if things don't match.

PR checklist

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Python linting (black) is failing

To keep the code consistent with lots of contributors, we run automated code consistency checks. To fix this CI test, please run:

Once you push these changes the test should pass, and you can hide this comment :+1:

We highly recommend setting up Black in your code editor so that this formatting is done automatically on save. Ask about it on Slack for help!

Thanks again for your contribution!

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

nf-core lint overall result: Passed :white_check_mark: :warning:

Posted for pipeline commit 9436c23

+| ✅ 132 tests passed       |+
#| ❔  20 tests were ignored |#
!| ❗   1 tests had warnings |!
### :heavy_exclamation_mark: Test warnings: * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``manifest.version`` should end in ``dev``: ``'1.1.0'`` ### :grey_question: Tests ignored: * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `assets/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_dark.png` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `.github/workflows/awstest.yml` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `.github/workflows/awsfulltest.yml` * [files_exist]( - File is ignored: `conf/igenomes.config` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ignored: `` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ignored: `manifest.homePage` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `LICENSE` or `` or `LICENCE` or `` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `.github/` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `.github/workflows/linting.yml` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `assets/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_light.png` * [files_unchanged]( - File does not exist: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo_dark.png` * [files_unchanged]( - File ignored due to lint config: `lib/NfcoreTemplate.groovy` * [actions_ci]( - actions_ci * [actions_awstest]( - 'awstest.yml' workflow not found: `/home/runner/work/genomenote/genomenote/.github/workflows/awstest.yml` ### :white_check_mark: Tests passed: * [files_exist]( - File found: `.gitattributes` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.gitignore` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.nf-core.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.editorconfig` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.prettierignore` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.prettierrc.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `LICENSE` or `` or `LICENCE` or `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `nextflow_schema.json` * [files_exist]( - File found: `nextflow.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/.dockstore.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/branch.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/ci.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/linting_comment.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/linting.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/email_template.html` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/email_template.txt` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/sendmail_template.txt` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/modules.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/test.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/test_full.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/nfcore_external_java_deps.jar` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/NfcoreSchema.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/NfcoreTemplate.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/Utils.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/WorkflowMain.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/multiqc_config.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/base.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `lib/WorkflowGenomenote.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File found: `modules.json` * [files_exist]( - File found: `pyproject.toml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `Singularity` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `parameters.settings.json` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.nf-core.yaml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `bin/markdown_to_html.r` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `conf/aws.config` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/workflows/push_dockerhub.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `docs/images/nf-core-genomenote_logo.png` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.markdownlint.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.yamllint.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Checks.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Completion.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Workflow.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.travis.yml` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.nextflowVersion` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.description` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.version` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `timeline.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `trace.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `report.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `dag.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.cpus` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.memory` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.time` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.outdir` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.input` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.show_hidden_params` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.schema_ignore_params` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.mainScript` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `timeline.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `trace.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `report.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `dag.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.nf_required_version` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.container` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.singleEnd` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.igenomesIgnore` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.enable_conda` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``timeline.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``report.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``trace.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``dag.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``dag.file`` ended with ``.html`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ``manifest.nextflowVersion`` started with >= or !>= * [nextflow_config]( - Config `params.custom_config_version` is set to `master` * [nextflow_config]( - Config `params.custom_config_base` is set to `` * [nextflow_config]( - Lines for loading custom profiles found * [files_unchanged]( - `.gitattributes` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.prettierrc.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/.dockstore.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/branch.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/linting_comment.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/email_template.html` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/email_template.txt` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/sendmail_template.txt` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `docs/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `lib/nfcore_external_java_deps.jar` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `lib/NfcoreSchema.groovy` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.gitignore` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.prettierignore` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `pyproject.toml` matches the template * [readme]( - README Nextflow minimum version badge matched config. Badge: `22.10.1`, Config: `22.10.1` * [readme]( - README Zenodo placeholder was replaced with DOI. * [pipeline_todos]( - No TODO strings found * [pipeline_name_conventions]( - Name adheres to nf-core convention * [template_strings]( - Did not find any Jinja template strings (108 files) * [schema_lint]( - Schema lint passed * [schema_lint]( - Schema title + description lint passed * [schema_lint]( - Input mimetype lint passed: 'text/csv' * [schema_params]( - Schema matched params returned from nextflow config * [system_exit]( - No `System.exit` calls found * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: linting.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: linting_comment.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: branch.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: sanger_test_full.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: sanger_test.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: fix-linting.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: clean-up.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: ci.yml * [merge_markers]( - No merge markers found in pipeline files * [modules_json]( - Only installed modules found in `modules.json` * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' follows the ordering scheme of the minimally required plugins. * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains 'export_plots: true'. * [modules_structure]( - modules directory structure is correct 'modules/nf-core/TOOL/SUBTOOL' ### Run details * nf-core/tools version 2.8 * Run at `2023-12-05 23:37:24`
muffato commented 6 months ago

Temporarily a draft. I need to fix the linting errors, rebase onto dev, and update the documentation / changelog