sanger-tol / variantcalling

This Nextflow DSL2 pipeline calls variants on long read alignment. It is run after sanger-tol/readmapping in the Sanger ToL production suite but with options to run on unaligned reads.
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Population genomics #65

Open muffato opened 6 months ago

muffato commented 6 months ago

In "Genomics Reveals Complex Population History and Unexpected Diversity of Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) in Britain Relative to Genetic Methods", du Plessis et al., 2023, 10.1093/molbev/msad207, the Cardfif team did population-genomics analyses on resequencing data of otter genomes (through ToL). The supplementary information contain a detailed listing (HTML) of the commands that were used to generate the analyses. Here is the PDF version:

There will be other population-genomics analyses in ToL and we should add the analyses that can be systematically run to the pipeline.

Task list

muffato commented 2 months ago

Consider these existing Snakemake workflows: