sanger / limber

A flexible lims extension of the old app
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Y24-030 [BUG] Limber not allowing plate creation on TCR chromium plate #1636

Closed neilsycamore closed 4 months ago

neilsycamore commented 4 months ago

When attempting to assign tags to a LBC TCR Post Lig 1xSPRI plate when 1 group of tags are selected there is the option to create the plate (This is the case regardless of whether it is the i7 or i5 tags that are selected) image001 3

When the second group of tags is selected creating a plate is no longer an option image002 3

RT Ticket Number RT799378

To Reproduce (nts) The previous plate to the LBC TCR Post Lig 1xSPRI is LBC TCR Dil 2 in training I found SQPP-50916-O could be used to reproduce this. If non chromium tag sets are selected (i.e pWGSD) then the create plate option remains

'Possible' additional info: Was discussed and mentioned at stand up (19/3) that there were JS changes a few weeks ago. The contacts in the RT mention that this has been a noted issue for the "..past few weeks"

Contacts: Jo (jc32) Team Lead - Chromium 10X Steve (sw32) SSR PaM

andrewsparkes commented 4 months ago

See crossed through wells now we've fixed the other issue in Y24-029. Investigating. Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 14 10 53

andrewsparkes commented 4 months ago

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 14 21 37

neilsycamore commented 4 months ago

resolved by