sanger / limber

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Y24-035 Targeted NanoSeq - update configuration for pipeline and add submission for ISC prep #1646

Open andrewsparkes opened 3 months ago

andrewsparkes commented 3 months ago

User story As PSD we would like to fix the targeted nanoseq pipeline configuration to better reflect the reality of what the lab users are doing, and allow them to loop back to the LTN AL Lib and process different subsets of samples as many times as they like.

Who are the primary contacts for this story Sara W and team Andrew S

Who is the nominated tester for UAT Sara W team

Acceptance criteria To be considered successful the solution must allow:

Dependencies None

References This story has a non-blocking relationship with:

Additional context Currently the centre part of this pipeline where they loop back to the LTN AL Lib plate is not tracked with a submission. Plus all samples are tracked as moving from LTN Al Lib plate through to LTN Lib PCR XP despite only a subset physically being transferred through. Plus they are editing the Hamilton driver file to remove the unneeded samples manually.

andrewsparkes commented 1 month ago

Options for manual vs automatic submissions:

1. Create a manual submission on the AL Lib for the samples. Then check at Customer upload for Dil creation that all wells with requests are present in file. i.e. changes to file upload validations:

Then create the Dil plate, transferring only those wells with requests (partial transfer). Changes:



2. Create auto submission on upload of the customer file Based on which wells have values. Wait for requests to be created by SS, then create the Dil plate. Is this a viable option? Does Heron do this? Not exactly. Heron uses SubmissionPlatePresenter which displays submission options to choose on source plate. This is not the same, as we need a partial submission based on the file upload contents. i.e. in the labware creator rather than the Presenter.

If we do it at file upload in the labware creator, we will need to do extra validations:

We will then need to filter the wells AFTER the submission is created to make the transfers. i.e. steps in the labware creator are:

Cons: This idea of creating a Submission inline with a labware creation in Limber is not currently done anywhere else. Reason being submissions can take time to process (as async jobs in SS) so labware creator would be keeping you waiting as it polled SS for updates on submission creation, before it could create the child plate. How to code for a time out?

Summary Favouring the manual Submission option due to complexity of automated version. Should check with SSR if they are Ok with the extra Submission needed for each loop. Mitigated by less hacking required in other parts of this pipeline after these changes.

andrewsparkes commented 1 month ago

Integration Suite test branch here:

andrewsparkes commented 1 month ago

For deployment:

Need to check that the LTN plate purpose is added to the acceptable_purposes for the reISC request type by the deployment (record loader has update for this so may be fine). Add it manually after deployment if not set up.

In rails console: check and add the LTN purpose to Reisc

rt = RequestType.find_by(name: 'Limber REISC')
pp = PlatePurpose.find_by(name: 'LTN Lib PCR XP')
rt.acceptable_purposes << pp
andrewsparkes commented 1 month ago

Waiting on lab team for UAT

andrewsparkes commented 1 month ago

Meeting for Monday 17th June to discuss UAT testing

andrewsparkes commented 4 days ago

UAT testing is completed, no additional concerns. Happy to deploy to live. Now just waiting on users to agree a date (as this is a change to an existing pipeline).

andrewsparkes commented 16 hours ago

To be deployed to live on Thursday 25th July at 1pm.