User story
As PSD, we would like to support bed verification using the versioned tube rack model proposed in Reuse of TubeRacks document. LRC PBMC Cryostor tube rack is a source labware In this bed verification.
Who are the primary contacts for this story
Abdullah, Katy, Andrew
Who is the nominated tester for UAT
Acceptance criteria
To be considered successful the solution must allow:
[ ] DPL-1092 acceptance criteria using the TubeRack model, not as a Plate.
This story is blocked by the following dependencies:
This story has a non-blocking relationship with:
Additional context
The versioned tube rack model is researched in DPL-1011 Re-use of tube racks and the model is summarised in the Google Document DPL-1011 Re-use of tube racks
User story As PSD, we would like to support bed verification using the versioned tube rack model proposed in Reuse of TubeRacks document. LRC PBMC Cryostor tube rack is a source labware In this bed verification.
Who are the primary contacts for this story Abdullah, Katy, Andrew
Who is the nominated tester for UAT TBD
Acceptance criteria To be considered successful the solution must allow:
Dependencies This story is blocked by the following dependencies:
References This story has a non-blocking relationship with:
Additional context The versioned tube rack model is researched in DPL-1011 Re-use of tube racks and the model is summarised in the Google Document DPL-1011 Re-use of tube racks
This story is part of re-implementation of DPL-914 Create tube rack containing banked PBMC tubes
Story relationships are shown in the Lucidchart diagram TubeRack Stories .
It is not possible to release the implementation of this story in isolation.
The existing story does a plate-to-plate bed verification because the source LRC PBMC Cryostor tube rack is represented as a plate. DPL-1092 Bed verification of the transfer from the LRC PBMC Cryostor tube rack into the LRC PBMC Defrost PBS plate