sanger / limber

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Y24-090 Donor pooling - only one source plate #1706

Open KatyTaylor opened 1 month ago

KatyTaylor commented 1 month ago

User story As a user of the scRNA Core pipeline, I would like the donor pooling step (into the LRC PBMC Pools plate) to allow only one source plate.

This change is due to the decision being taken to use the GEM-X chip rather than the HT chip, which has fewer wells (and therefore fewer pools on this upstream plate).

Who are the primary contacts for this story Katy, Abdullah, Abby

Who is the nominated tester for UAT Abby

Acceptance criteria To be considered successful the solution must allow:

KatyTaylor commented 3 weeks ago

Put on hold due to this from Abby in Slack:

Hi, please could I also just ask you to hold off on [this story] The reason for this is that I need to check with Lesley when she's back but yesterday it was mentioned that Cardinal may want to pool 2 plates together to then load on the GEM-X chips so I wouldn't want you to remove already built in functionality needlessly.

KatyTaylor commented 2 weeks ago

Removed the on hold label - decision documented here -