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Y24-124 Cell counting - QC labels - choose number to print #1730

Open KatyTaylor opened 3 weeks ago

KatyTaylor commented 3 weeks ago

User story As a user of the scRNA Core pipeline, I would like the label printing feature on the cell counting screens to allow the user to choose how many QC labels to print off, so that I don't waste labels unnecessarily.

Who are the primary contacts for this story Katy, Abby

Who is the nominated tester for UAT Abby

Acceptance criteria

Dependencies The following 'quick fix' is expected to be done before this one:

Additional context The label printing component is generic, used by all plate pages. This feels like a generically useful change, that could be useful on other plates with other 'extra' labels in the future. So if the main component can be modified, rather than creating functionality specific to this pipeline, that would be great. I've sketched a few ideas off the top of my head for UX below - feel free to come up with different ones!

Plate page showing existing printing component: Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 11 45 43

Ideas for UI: First is most flexible but takes up most space. Second assumes the extra labels are in a series (i.e. only allows you to specify the number of extras you want, not what you want them to be) - so wouldn't work for a group of miscellaneous labels. Could do something like the first, but only show the 'labels' field if there are extra labels configured for that plate - so most plates would keep a nice slim component like they have currently. printing_qc_labels