sanger / limber

A config-driven LIMS built on Sequencescape, primarily for running library preparation pipelines in the laboratory
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Y24-297 - Change 'Offset tags by' wording in Limber tag plate selection #1889

Open neilsycamore opened 3 weeks ago

neilsycamore commented 3 weeks ago

As Team Lead 10X & Custom Sequencing (Jo) we would like, when selecting tag groups, to have the 'Offset tags by' changed to 'Start Tags from' and the tag number selected should be the tag present in the first well. This should not be specific to a plate but to all plates when using the tag plate stage in Limber.

This is to avoid confusion and delay whilst a service ticket is raised for the tags to be changed

Example from the lab team: 10X Offset tags

Just before we create a Ligation XP plate for 10x semi-auto, we create a custom tag plate where we assign tags to the plate wells. Sometimes when we have to choose tags starting from any number other than '1', we select the option of ,offset tags, and write a number there. As you canb see in the screenshot, I needed the tags to start from '10', so in the offset tags column I wrote '9'. A lot of times, this leads to tag shift issues. So, is it possible to change it on limber, to be more clearer?

Currently it says: "Offset tags by: 9" = Tags start from 10 Can we change it to: "Start Tags from: 10" = Tags start from 10

JoCartwright commented 2 weeks ago

Terrific, Thanks!

SujitDey2022 commented 1 week ago


StephenHulme commented 1 week ago

As discussed with @TWJW-SANGER, there might be other use cases that make this trickier to implement without changing the underlying logic. In this example plate on UAT, click on the i7 Tag Group field and select the 49 to 92 - 10 mer tags option. Note how the first number is 49, and not 0 or 1. A similar scenario occurs in the pWGS i5 UDI tag group v2 B option, and others. This would require more complex changes to the underlying logic to make the Offset Tags By/Start Tags From field behave correctly and is beyond the scope of a Small story.