sanger / sequencescape

Web based LIMS
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DPL-970 Import cDNA plates into Sequencescape #3937

Open KatyTaylor opened 8 months ago

KatyTaylor commented 8 months ago

N.B. These plates will enter the existing 10X pipeline(s). There is an existing way to get these samples into the LIMS - but, I think we need this new manifest because we need the individual donor information to prevent multiple samples from the same donor being pooled together for sequencing.

User story As a member of the SSR team, who has received a plate from faculty containing cDNA, I would like to be able to import them into Sequencescape along with all the required data.

Who are the primary contacts for this story Lesley, Katy

Who is the nominated tester for UAT Lesley, Liz H?

Acceptance criteria To be considered successful the solution must allow:

References This story has a non-blocking relationship with:

Additional information This will use the normal manifest process - SSRs generate the manifest & barcode labels, send them to faculty, who use the barcodes on their plates and send the manifest back filled in.

KatyTaylor commented 2 months ago

Andrew and I just discussed this. We're putting it back into the backlog because it's not ready to be picked up. Reasons are: