sanger / sequencescape

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Y24-111 Set default fields to null when requesting additional sequencing #4126

Open neilsycamore opened 1 month ago

neilsycamore commented 1 month ago

As team lead (SSRs) currently, when opening the “request additional sequencing” page, the request type, read length and flowcell are filled in by default. These are filled in differently for a Novaseq 6000 request compared to a NovaSeqX request. This can lead to errors in requesting sequencing if the SSR does not change these default selections.

We request that the “Request type”, “Read length” and “Flowcell type” are NOT filled in by default when requesting additional sequencing.

All other boxes on this page can continue to be populated as they are currently.

RT803569 Acceptance criteria:

· When the “request additional sequencing” page is opened in SS, the “Request type” “Read length” and “Flowcell type” boxes are empty, but have the same drop down options as currently.

· The request type box is mandatory for all requests, and sequencing cannot be requested without this being selected – an error message should be displayed “Request type must be selected.”

· The read length box is mandatory for all sequencing platforms, and sequencing cannot be requested without this being selected – an error message should be displayed “Read length must be selected”.

· The flowcell type box is mandatory for all NovaSeq sequencing platforms, and sequencing cannot be requested without this being selected – an error message should be displayed “Flowcell type must be selected”.

The SSR stakeholders for this story would be myself and Siobhan (ec20 and slw) and we are happy to be assigned UAT when needed.