As player nickname duplicate check is needed before client travels to server's level, we implemented gRPC system to verify if session already contains duplicate nickname or not.
However, when client invokes the gRPC, server is abruptly shut down with fatal error as illustrated below:
Error Situation Reconstruction
Before hosing the session
After hosting a session, listen server awaits clients to send gRPC with their respective nicknames
Right after client calls gRPC, server encounters a fatal error(In this case, we used Postman for calling gRPC)
And PIE Crash Reporter provides the following information:
class MOOKSABALBATTLE_API URegisterNicknameServiceImpl final : public UObject, public NicknameService::Service{
grpc::Status RegisterNickname(grpc::ServerContext context, const NickName request, RegisterResponse* response) override;
// TODO : Include additional steps that will be performed to resolve the error
## If you have a solution for this issue, feel free to comment your resolution below this! Thank you.
Why gRPC & Why the Error Occured
As player nickname duplicate check is needed before client travels to server's level, we implemented gRPC system to verify if session already contains duplicate nickname or not.
However, when client invokes the gRPC, server is abruptly shut down with fatal error as illustrated below:
Error Situation Reconstruction
Before hosing the session
After hosting a session, listen server awaits clients to send gRPC with their respective nicknames
Right after client calls gRPC, server encounters a fatal error(In this case, we used Postman for calling gRPC)
And PIE Crash Reporter provides the following information:
What Have We Done to Resolve the Error
class MOOKSABALBATTLE_API URegisterNicknameServiceImpl final : public UObject, public NicknameService::Service{ ... grpc::Status RegisterNickname(grpc::ServerContext context, const NickName request, RegisterResponse* response) override; ... };