sanghoon / pva-faster-rcnn

Demo code for PVANet
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the Small Object detection issue #19

Open xiaoxiongli opened 7 years ago

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

Dear All,

When i training my own dataset(229 category logo, totally 3w+ images) using PVANet, i got mAP = 0.9672, indeed it is very high. PVANet is indeed so good, the original R-FCN is 0.953(i do a modify it get to 0.9705). by the way, they use different backbone. so it is just a reference. but i find that the small object detection result is not as good as faster-rcnn and R-FCN.

For the Small object, the faster-rcnn get the best result, but its false alarm is also the highest. R-FCN get middle result and the lowest false alarm. PVANet get a worse small object detection result and middle false alarm result.

So, I feel confuse about this result. because of using the idea of HyperNet, the PVANet supposed to be have a good performance in small object detection, but it is not in my dataset...

Anyone please give me some tips about this issue, How can i fix it and get a better result? @sanghoon @kyehyeon

argman commented 7 years ago

I think small objects maybe filtered by nms during generating proposals, you may check the nms parameter

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

@argman Dear argman, i check the cfg file lib/fast_rcnn/


it seems the parameter is OK, So What's the problem about this issue?

Simonhong111 commented 7 years ago

dear xiaoxiongli,I also want to train my own dataset with py-R-FCN,however i cannot modify my model correctly.Maybe, there are something else i didn't know ,for example i didn't get the right pre-trained model ,could you please show me your models and give me some advice.My Email address is 。thank you so much

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

@Simonhong111 i am not use py-R-FCN, i implement the 4-stage training in MATLAB according the shaoqingren's faster-rcnn MATLAB code, I think you can ask the py-R-FCN code's author for help. i think after i done the PVANet, i will release the MATLAB version R-FCN 4-stage training code.

sanghoon commented 7 years ago

Hi @xiaoxiongli, I guess maybe it's due to limited computational costs. Could you share some quantitative comparison results?

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

@sanghoon Dear sanghoon, sure, i already send you a e-mail with the test result and also some comment, thank you very much^_^...

squidszyd commented 7 years ago

Also curious about small object detection

Caojunxu commented 7 years ago

@xiaoxiongli Dear xiaoxiongli,have you solve the problem?

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

@Caojunxu NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ck196 commented 7 years ago

@xiaoxiongli How small of objects do you need to detect? (16x16 is the smallest object?) I also want to resolve this problem, SSD (single shot multibox detection) also has this problem.

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

@ck196 above 24x24, or maybe above 32x32.................................... i send you a email and hope discuss with you when you are free

AITTSMD commented 7 years ago

@xiaoxiongli hi , I wonder how you finetune your own data? Use full/test.model or example_finetune384/? when I use test.model,I can't get a good result.When I use exampe_finetune384/,the speed is slow(0.18s/img,gtx1070).Can u give me some advice? Thank you in advance!

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

@AITTSMD example_finetune384, i use K40. in the aspect of speed, make sure that you do NOT compile caffe with cudnn, because cudnn's 1x1 convolution is slow.

solemnrole commented 7 years ago

hello,why the caffemodel th author provided i cant download it, do you success? if you hava download them, could you share with me?thanks a lot~

MyVanitar commented 7 years ago


I appreciate if you have a look at my question: #63 Also I appreciate if you inform me if you have published your MATLAB version R-FCN 4-stage training codes.

shivam6294 commented 7 years ago

Facing the same small object not detected problem when using SSD. Was anyone able to find the cause? Did tweaking the nms parameter help? Would greatly appreciate it if someone could share their experience /solution attempts

MyVanitar commented 7 years ago


Increase the network image size to higher numbers

FreeApe commented 6 years ago ?