sanghoon / pva-faster-rcnn

Demo code for PVANet
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I found a bug(it seems) about the image scale rate~ #31

Open xiaoxiongli opened 7 years ago

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

Dear sanghoon: ^_^ @sanghoon I found a bug(i am not sure) list below:

in file im_scale_factors.append(np.array([im_scale_x, im_scale_y, im_scale_x, im_scale_y]))

blobs['im_info'] = np.array( [np.hstack((im_blob.shape[2], im_blob.shape[3], im_scales[0]))], dtype=np.float32)

which means that blobs['im_info'] = [height(0), width(1), im_scale_x(2), im_scale_y(3), im_scale_x(4), im_scale_y(5)], "(number)" stand for the array's index started from zero

in file proposal_layer.cpp's Forward_cpu(maybe Forward_gpu also have this issue): // input image height & width const Dtype img_H = p_img_info_cpu[0]; const Dtype img_W = p_img_info_cpu[1]; // scale factor for height & width const Dtype scale_H = p_img_info_cpu[2]; <---- it seems here should be p_img_info_cpu[3] const Dtype scale_W = p_img_info_cpu[3]; <---- it seems here should be p_img_info_cpu[2]

Although this is a bug, but it seems affect not too much, because scale_H and scale_W's value is always similar, and it seems scale_H and scale_W are only affect the minimal size(min_box_H、min_box_W) of the bounding box. i wonder is it a bug? ......

sanghoon commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your report. I'm currently on NIPS2016 to present our work at a workshop tomorrow. I'll definitely check it when I get back to my home.

xiaoxiongli commented 7 years ago

WOW! NIPS2016!!! nice~ i have never been to such a big conference... , wish you have a wonderful workshop and travelling