sanghoon / pva-faster-rcnn

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How should I do to train a compressed or little model on my own data? #32

Open beihangzxm123 opened 7 years ago

beihangzxm123 commented 7 years ago

I wanna train a compressed or little model on my own data whose annotation format is the same as voc dataset but has different classes with VOC,i just use the command:"./tools/ --gpu 0 --solver models/pvanet/example_finetune/solver.prototxt --weights models/pvanet/comp/test.model –iters 100000 --cfg models/pvanet/cfgs/train.yml –imdb voc_2007_trainval", is it a correct way? I found out that the performance of the detection with this model is so bad.The finetuned model using "models/pvanet/full/test.model" has almost the same bad performance that has so many false detections .

How should I do to train a compressed or little model on my own data?

Please give me some detailed advice,thanks so much!Looking forward to your reply!

sanghoon commented 7 years ago

Hi @beihangzxm123 , I'm not sure how big your dataset is, but if it's not that big I recommend you do ...

runningJ commented 7 years ago

hi @beihangzxm123
Are you resolve the problem?

MyVanitar commented 7 years ago

@sanghoon @runningJ

I have almost the similar questions here #63 Please have a look

pasxalinamed commented 6 years ago

I have trained a model on my own data. How can I compress the output caffemodel? Is compression something that should have taken place during training?