sanghoon / pva-faster-rcnn

Demo code for PVANet
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Detailed configurations on training pvanet with imagenet #73

Open jmliu88 opened 7 years ago

jmliu88 commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to reproduce the imagenet pretraining step, want to make sure that I'm using the same setting with you.

  1. The solver I'm using comes from pva-fast-rcnn/models/pvanet/example_train/solver.prototxt
  2. All images were resized into 256x256, and cropped to 192x192.

In pva-fast-rcnn/models/pvanet/imagenet/descriptions.txt, you mentioned multi-scale ILSVRC2012 training set. I'm curious about tools that you used when preparing the dataset. The tool that caffe provided seems not be able to put multi-scale images into the same lmdb file. It would be sweet if you could share your tools.
