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Humans conquered 75% of the land surface, concocting a series of industrial and medical miracles #12

Open sangshuduo opened 3 years ago

sangshuduo commented 3 years ago


Diane Ackerman探索我們的新現實,從適應自然到創造自然,我們進入一個真正以人類為主宰的全新時代……對自然界以及人類在其中所處的位置,展現人類狂野的心,將我們展示於人前和現在創造的想法---也許(我們)可以保存---我們的未來以及我們同伴的未來。Ackerman細膩描繪「智人」這種聰明絕頂卻又自以為是的生物,如何主宰地球的現狀,又如何掌控地球未來的命運。Ackerman面對前所未見的種種現象,以優美的詩意筆觸,勾勒出她的觀察和想法。

歡迎來到人類世(Anthropocene) 世界:讓紅毛猩猩使用iPad;狂野的心,夢想出工業和醫藥的魔法,在漫無邊際的黑暗之中升起火燄,掛上燈籠;黑色大理石;手工景觀;隨著天氣的變化;蓋亞(Gaia  [ ])脾氣暴躁;從赤道頭腦風暴到冰;藍色革命-在石頭和光明的房子裡:瀝青叢林;一個綠色的綠色的男人;室內植物?怎麼過去了;大自然不再是“自然”了嗎?慢動作的入侵者,“他們別無選擇” :我們改變了氣候,威脅我們自己的生存。另一方面,我們也以充滿希望的創造力應付我們的破壞力:我們收集即將消失物種的DNA,存放在冷凍方舟上;為了愛蝸牛-大自然,像素化:感官的(非自然的)未來;納米級稱重;自然,像素化;種間互聯網;你的激情花在誘惑你;機器人哭泣時,誰會安慰他們?約會機器人;在火星上打印一匹搖馬-我們的身體,我們的本性:(藉以3D打印)他借給我的耳朵;創造可以穿戴的科技用品,和總有一天會比我們更聰明的合成物種:機器人和嵌合體;認識我的創造者,瘋狂的分子;結論:狂野的心,人類世的精神。

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Humans conquered 75% of the land surface, concocted a series of industrial and medical miracles, and pierced the light in the dark. We are integrated with nature at every opportunity; we plant our favorite animal and plant species on the earth, many of which are aggressive; even change the climate, threatening our own extinction, but we think our own Destructive power will play a role in the extraordinary creativity full of hope...

Diane Ackerman explores our new reality. From adapting to nature to creating nature, we have entered a new era dominated by humans... To the nature and where humans are located, to show the wild heart of mankind, and to show us in Ideas created before and now--maybe (we) can save--our future and the future of our companions. Ackerman described in detail how the "Homo sapiens", an extremely intelligent but self-righteous creature, controls the status quo of the earth and how to control the future destiny of the earth. Faced with unprecedented phenomena, Ackerman outlines her observations and thoughts with beautiful poetic brushwork.

Welcome to the world of Anthropocene: let the orangutans use the iPad; wild heart dreams of the magic of industry and medicine, raising flames and hanging lanterns in the boundless darkness; black marble; handmade landscape; As the weather changes; Gaia ([ ]) is grumpy; brainstorming from the equator to ice; the blue revolution-in the house of stone and light: asphalt jungle ; A green green man; houseplant? How did it pass; is nature no longer "natural"? Invaders in slow motion, "they have no choice": we have changed the climate and threatened our own survival. On the other hand, we also deal with our destructive power with hopeful creativity: we collect the DNA of the species that is about to disappear and store it on the frozen ark; in order to love the snail-nature, pixelated: a sensory (unnatural) future ; Nanoscale weighing; natural, pixelated; interspecies internet; your passion is spent tempting you; when robots cry, who will comfort them? Dating robot; printing a rocking horse on Mars-our body, our nature: (by 3D printing) the ears that he lent me; creating wearable technology supplies, and synthesizing that will one day be smarter than us Species: robots and chimeras; know my creator, crazy molecule; conclusion: wild heart, spirit of the Anthropocene.