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这是一个 issue translator 测试 #5

Closed sangshuduo closed 1 year ago

sangshuduo commented 3 years ago


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Title: This is an issue translator test

 Original title: General Secretary Xi Jinping used allusions to talk about building a world power in science and technology


  Editor's note: The use of allusions is vivid, profound and appropriate, which is a major feature of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches and articles. The sixth issue of "Seeking Truth" published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping, "Strive to Become the World's Major Science Center and Innovation Highland". Let us learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping's article and talk about the profound implications of building a world scientific and technological power. meaning!

   Strength, the reason for the form is also

   See the Mohist book "Mojing" in the late Warring States period. The main idea of ​​this sentence is that power is what makes objects move.

   General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted in the article:

   Fully understand that innovation is the first driving force, provide high-quality scientific and technological supplies, and strive to support the construction of a modern economic system. In the Mojing, it is stated that “force is the reason why form is vigorous”, which means that power is the cause of the movement of objects. It is necessary to focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development, to support the supply-side structural reform as the main line, and to improve the quality of the supply system as the main direction to promote the quality of economic development, efficiency, and power changes, and significantly enhance my country's economic quality advantages.

  "Dingxin" "Revolution"

   From "Zhou Yi·Miscellaneous Gua": "Revolution, go away from the old. Ding, take the new one." This sentence means to get rid of the old and build the new. Later refers to changes in dynasties or major changes.

   General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted in the article:

We must focus on intelligent manufacturing to promote industrial technological transformation and optimization and upgrading, to promote the fundamental transformation of manufacturing industry models and corporate forms, to "innovate" to drive "innovation", to drive inventory with increments, and to promote my country's industry toward global value High-end in the chain.

  I believe that it is feasible, and the difficulty of moving mountains and filling the sea will eventually succeed;

  If I believe it is not feasible, then it is easy to turn the palms and branches, and there is no time for it to be effective

   See Sun Yat-sen's "Strategies for the Founding of a Nation". The general idea of ​​this sentence is that if you have the confidence to do something, even if it is as difficult as moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, you will have a successful day; if you don’t have the confidence to do it, it’s as easy as turning the palm of your hand or breaking a branch. , There will be no time to see results.

   General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted in the article:

   Self-reliance is the foundation of the struggle for the Chinese nation to stand on its own among the nations of the world, and independent innovation is the only way for us to climb the world's technological peaks. "If I believe that it is feasible, it will be difficult to move mountains and fill the sea, and there will eventually be a day of success; if I believe that it is not feasible, it will be easy to reverse the branch, and there will be no time for effective."

  I also care about the kindness of my heart, even though I die nine times, I still have no regrets

   See Qu Yuan's "Li Sao" during the Warring States Period. The general idea of ​​this sentence is that these are the truth, goodness and beauty that I pursue in my heart, even if I have to die for this, I will not regret it, and it reflects the spirit of persevering in pursuing beautiful ideals.

   General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted in the article:

  Innovation has always been a life of nine deaths, but we must have the pride of "being good in the heart, even though it is nine deaths, we still have no regrets". The vast number of scientific and technological workers in my country must have strong confidence and determination to innovate, neither arrogantly underestimate themselves nor conceit themselves, have the courage to overcome difficulties, pursue excellence, win victory, and actively seize the commanding heights of technological competition and future development.

  **If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be successful, and if you are general you will last forever.

   See "The Book of Changes·Xi Cixia". The general idea of ​​this sentence is that things will inevitably change when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, changes will be accessible, and they will last forever.

   General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted in the article:

   The determination to comprehensively deepen reforms in the new era cannot be shaken, and courage cannot be weakened. The reform of the scientific and technological system must dare to gnaw hard bones, dare to navigate dangerous beaches, overcome difficulties, and remove all ideological and institutional barriers that restrict scientific and technological innovation.

   To gain the needs of others, we must expand our way to store it

   See Xia Zhirong's "Jigu Pian" in Qing Dynasty. The main idea of ​​this sentence is that the key to obtaining talents is to broaden the ways of selecting and nurturing talents, and allowing them to accumulate abilities and have extensive opportunities for reuse.

   General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted in the article:

  The way of innovation is to win people. To obtain the needs of others, one must make a wide range of ways to save it. It is necessary to create a good environment for innovation, accelerate the formation of a training mechanism that is conducive to the growth of talents, a use mechanism that is conducive to the use of talents, an incentive mechanism that is conducive to the growth of competition, and a competition mechanism that is conducive to all kinds of talents. The fertile soil makes the root system of talents more developed and grows vigorously one crop after another.