When "AQUAgpusph(3.0)-load" was executed, these following warnings could be read.
./AQUAgpusph-loadGiD --level 0.412 --deltar 0.0047 --refd 998.0 --sound-speed 50.0 --recompute_normals -o tanque030047.dat tanque2004v.msh
Loading mesh...
Reading points...
Found 114 points
Reading elements...
Found 112 faces
/home/chente/aquagpusph-3.0/tools/aquagpusph_preprocessing/generator/fluid.py:247: FutureWarning: comparison to None will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
if point != None:
Changing normal orientation of the face 0
Changing normal orientation of the face 1
/home/chente/aquagpusph-3.0/tools/aquagpusph_preprocessing/generator/fluid.py:244: FutureWarning: comparison to None will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
if point != None:
Changing normal orientation of the face 2 ..... 103
Creating vertexes over the solid surface...
Creating fluid particles inside the solid...
0%.../home/chente/aquagpusph-3.0/tools/aquagpusph_preprocessing/generator/fluid.py:389: FutureWarning: comparison to None will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
if point == None:
Writing output...
51506 particles have been generated, set it in your fluid configuration.
Nevertheless, "tanque030047.dat" worked correctly.
When "AQUAgpusph(3.0)-load" was executed, these following warnings could be read.
Nevertheless, "tanque030047.dat" worked correctly. Thx!!!