sangwoojun / bluespecpcie

PCIe library for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs in the Bluespec language
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Someting wrong with "make BOARD=kc705" #1

Open xliangseu-kfd opened 3 years ago

xliangseu-kfd commented 3 years ago

Hi, I followed the instructions and successed with the command "make core BOARD=kc705". But when I ran make BOARD=kc705, I had the following errors. Please help me figure out what is wrong. Thanks.

xliangseu@X11DAi-N:~/Documents/bluespecpcie-master/examples/simple$ make BOARD=kc705 mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/:/BSVSource/Xilinx/ -p +:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv make: bsc: Command not found ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:17: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 127

kkarthik976 commented 3 years ago


Did you installed the Bluespec Compiler?

if yes, then add Bluespec Compiler installation bin directory to the path. Otherwise, install the Bluespec Compiler and set the path.

for example, if you have installed bsc compiler @ /opt/bsc, then set the path as export PATH=/opt/bsc/bin:$PATH