sangwoojun / bluespecpcie

PCIe library for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs in the Bluespec language
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Error @ make BOARD=kc705 #2

Closed kkarthik976 closed 3 years ago

kkarthik976 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have followed the procedure as mentioned in the README . I don't have any issues with the command make core BOARD=kc705. When i try to execute the command make BOARD=kc705 i got the following errors. Every application example have some issues with the packages. Please help me out to fix this errors.

./../buildtools/Makefile.base : BSVPATH =$(LIBPATH)/src/:$(BLUESPEC_HOME)/BSVSource/Xilinx/ and couldn't find any directory with the name /BSVSource/Xilinx

[test@test sortreduce]$ make BOARD=kc705 mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/:/BSVSource/Xilinx/ -p +:../..//dram/src/:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv Warning: Command line: (S0091) Removing a directory from the path specified with the -p flag, because it could not be opened. Directory: /BSVSource/Xilinx/ System message: does not exist checking package dependencies Error: "Top.bsv", line 9, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Xilinx' Error: "Top.bsv", line 10, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `XilinxCells' Error: "../..//dram/src//DDR3Controller.bsv", line 28, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `I2C' Error: "../..//dram/src//DDR3Controller.bsv", line 32, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `XilinxCells' Error: "../..//dram/src//DDR3Common.bsv", line 26, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `I2C' Error: "./HwMain.bsv", line 13, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Serializer' Error: "./SortReduceSingle.bsv", line 8, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Serializer' Error: "./SortReduceSingle.bsv", line 10, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `BurstIOArbiter' Error: "./SortReduceSingle.bsv", line 11, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `MergeSortReducerSingle' ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:19: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

sangwoojun commented 3 years ago

Ah this was an issue caused by the open source version of Bluespec removing the previously supplied libraries.

I have removed the dependencies at least for the projects "simple", "dramtest", "dmatest", and "streaming" I hope this helps!

kkarthik976 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your quick response ! Still i found some issues and will mention in detail as below, Please do the needful...

simple : [test@test simple]$ make BOARD=kc705 mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/ -p +:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv checking package dependencies Error: "../..//src//PcieCtrl.bsv", line 23, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Scoreboard' ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

dramtest : [test@test dramtest]$ make BOARD=kc705 mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/ -p +:../..//dram/src/:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv checking package dependencies Error: "../..//src//PcieCtrl.bsv", line 23, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Scoreboard' ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed

dmatest : [test@test dmatest]$ make BOARD=kc705 mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/ -p +:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv checking package dependencies Error: "../..//src//PcieCtrl.bsv", line 23, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Scoreboard' ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

streaming : [test@test streaming]$ make BOARD=kc705 mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/ -D INSTREAMS=2 -D OUTSTREAMS=2 -p +:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv checking package dependencies Error: "../..//src//PcieCtrl.bsv", line 23, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Scoreboard' Error: "./HwMain.bsv", line 9, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `Serializer' Error: "./HwMain.bsv", line 12, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `LZAHCompression' ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

sangwoojun commented 3 years ago

Ah it seems I had not updated the README regarding the new requirements... bluespecpcie requires the bluelib repository, which must be cloned at the same level as bluespecpcie as default So if you have bluespecpcie cloned at ~/, bluelib needs to be cloned at ~/ as well Bluelib can be found here:

kkarthik976 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have cloned bluelib also and got the following errors

[test@test simple]$ make
mkdir -p kc705
mkdir -p kc705/obj
mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top
bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/ -p +:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv
checking package dependencies
All packages are up to date.
cp ../..//buildtools//vivado-impl-kc705.tcl ./kc705/impl.tcl
cp user-ip.tcl kc705/ || :
cd kc705; cd verilog/top; ../../../../..//buildtools//; cd ../../; vivado -mode batch -source impl.tcl -tclargs ../../../../..//buildtools// line 24: cd: /Verilog: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'SyncResetA.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'SyncRegister.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'SyncHandshake.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'MakeReset0.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'MakeResetA.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'SizedFIFO.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'Counter.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'TriState.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'FIFO2.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'ResetInverter.v': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'SyncFIFO.v': No such file or directory
ClockDiv.v cp: cannot stat 'ClockDiv.v': No such file or directory ResetEither.v cp: cannot stat 'ResetEither.v': No such file or directory MakeReset.v cp: cannot stat 'MakeReset.v': No such file or directory SyncReset0.v cp: cannot stat 'SyncReset0.v': No such file or directory BRAM2.v cp: cannot stat 'BRAM2.v': No such file or directory SyncWire.v cp: cannot stat 'SyncWire.v': No such file or directory

** Vivado v2018.2 (64-bit) SW Build 2258646 on Thu Jun 14 20:02:38 MDT 2018 IP Build 2256618 on Thu Jun 14 22:10:49 MDT 2018 ** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. source impl.tcl

set_param general.maxThreads 8

set boardname kc705

set pciedir ../../../

if { $::argc > 0 } {

set pciedir [lindex $argv 0]

puts $pciedir

} else {

puts "using default pcie core path"



using default pcie core path

set outputDir ./hw

file mkdir $outputDir

set partname {xc7k325tffg900-2}

read_verilog [ glob {verilog/top/*.v} ]

set_property part $partname [current_project]

read_ip $pciedir/core/kc705/pcie_7x_0/pcie_7x_0.xci

INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository '/opt/Xilinx_2018.2/Vivado/2018.2/data/ip'.

read_verilog [ glob $pciedir/src/*.v ]

read_xdc $pciedir/src/xilinx_pcie_7x_ep_x8g2_KC705.xdc

if { [file exists "user-ip.tcl"] == 1} {

source user-ip.tcl


synth_design -name mkProjectTop -top mkProjectTop -part $partname -flatten rebuilt

Command: synth_design -name mkProjectTop -top mkProjectTop -part xc7k325tffg900-2 -flatten rebuilt Starting synth_design ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'FIFO2' not found [/home/test/bluespecpcie/examples/simple/kc705/verilog/top/mkProjectTop.v:1750] Parameter width bound to: 1 - type: integer Parameter guarded bound to: 1'b1 ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'mkProjectTop' [/home/test/bluespecpcie/examples/simple/kc705/verilog/top/mkProjectTop.v:3 8]

Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:03 ; elapsed = 00:00:04 . Memory (MB): peak = 1383.066 ; gain = 126.625 ; free physical = 226 37 ; free virtual = 240165

RTL Elaboration failed INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis 31 Infos, 8 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 3 Errors encountered. synth_design failed ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Thu Feb 4 17:12:11 2021... ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

sangwoojun commented 3 years ago

Another interesting find! All of the current users have been using the same setup script so these kind of bugs went by undiscovered... Thanks for that, and sorry things are not smooth for you.

To fix that issue, you need to set an environment variable "BLUESPECDIR", which I think bluespec actually depends on to function correctly. Depending on where your bluespec installation is, try setting BLUESPECDIR to the lib directory under that For example, my installation is at: export BLUESPECDIR=/opt/Bluespec/bsc/inst/lib/

kkarthik976 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your quick response! I have successfully generated a bitstream for simple and dmatest and will test the same on the hardware. Got errors for dramtest & float projects.

dramtest : ERROR: [Vivado 12-172] File or Directory '/home/test/bluespecpcie/dram/kc705/core/ddr3_0/ddr3_0.xci' does not exist

while executing

"source user-ip.tcl" invoked from within "if { [file exists "user-ip.tcl"] == 1} { source user-ip.tcl }" (file "impl.tcl" line 30) INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri Feb 5 11:05:25 2021... ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

float : [test@test float]$ make -j16
mkdir -p kc705 mkdir -p kc705/obj mkdir -p kc705/verilog/top bsc -show-schedule -aggressive-conditions -bdir ./kc705/obj -vdir ./kc705/verilog/top -simdir ./kc705/obj -info-dir ./kc705 -fdir ./kc705 -D kc705 -remove-dollar -p +:../..//src/ -p +:../..//../bluelib/src// -verilog -u -g mkProjectTop Top.bsv checking package dependencies Error: "Top.bsv", line 6, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package Xilinx' Error: "Top.bsv", line 7, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find packageXilinxCells' Error: "./HwMain.bsv", line 11, column 8: (S0000) Cannot find package `DMASplitter' ../..//buildtools//Makefile.base:18: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 1

sangwoojun commented 3 years ago

To use DRAM you need to generate the DDR3 core. Go to bluespecpcie/dram/kc705 and run make That should fix that

For floats, you need to generate the floating point cores Go to bluelib/src/coregen and run ./ That should fix that

There are so much documentation (or makefiles) I should fix!

kkarthik976 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your help.