saniho / apiEnedis

a custom_component to get Enedis data consumption
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sensors energy per hour and cost per hour showing wrong values #186

Open Dominik-1980 opened 2 years ago

Dominik-1980 commented 2 years ago

This two sensors are showing wrong data. It is always more than in real.

inoxas78 commented 2 years ago

Enedis is pushig half hours by half hours since a couple of weeks, so amount in HA is x2

mdeweerd commented 2 years ago

The content-card-linky integration is showing correct daily values for me.

Where do you see doubled values.

I checked my data (/config/custom_components/myEnedis/myEnedis/CONTRACTID/update(DataYesterdayHCHP|updateLast7DaysDetails).json versus the test data that already shows data for half hours (example: ) which are just averages (so consumed = value * 0.5h ).

Either the test verifications need to be updated, or new test data is needed to set up a new test and identify the issue to fix it.

Dominik-1980 commented 2 years ago

The Linky Contact Card works just fine. If you add a sensor to the HA Energy Dashboard it is showing wrong values. And sadly it is not always the double. This would be easy by multiplying the consumption sensor by 0,5. For me it is day -2 and the consumption is sometimes x1 and sometimes x2. I could not find out when the sensor doubles the value and when not... Some hours are showing the real consumption, some hours the double...

mdeweerd commented 2 years ago

I am surprised that you are getting the hourly detail in the Energy dashboard.

However if hours are days, then this could be explained if "double" is "more or less double" if the data can not be retrieved daily. The energy dashboard then shows the total for more than one day. The Energy dashboard does not allow updating data in the past - it just adds up every hour.

Check the numbers you get in "Developer > States". The numbers I find there in my case are correct.


(Do not mind the reported version, I am using a local developer's setup).

Cook23 commented 1 year ago

For me data from sensor.myenedis_energy_hours_xxxPDLxxx is completely wrong.

From Enedis site I read for yesterday 30.9 kWh. From my discrete energy counter I read 30.61 kWh. From sensor.myenedis_energy_hours_xxxPDLxxx in Energy I read 192.29 kWh. !!!

6.2 time more. I'm powered in 3 phases network and 6.2 is not far from 3 x 2 = 6 :).

Hereafter I copy hourly data from Enedis website and sensor.myenedis_energy_hours_xxxPDLxxx : Conso1 Conso2

chrobiche commented 1 year ago

Same for me, the value doesn't make any sense: 2022-10-11 at 09 11 05@2x 2022-10-11 at 09 11 30@2x

I have a "standard" TIC and i'm 3 phases.

saniho commented 1 year ago

attention les données sont décalées de 48, car HA ne sais pas "injecter"des données à postério, donc il faut comparer de la manière suivante par exemple Energy Usage en date du 28/11 avec enedis en date du 26/11 -- je sais 'est pas génial, mais c'est la seule solution à ce jour ;(

wpchannel commented 1 year ago

Bonjour tout le monde, j'ai le même souci ici. Des valeurs positives et négatives qui sont très loin de la réalité. Sur la carte, les valeurs quotidiennes sont correctes. Avez-vous besoin de plus d'infos pour aider au debug ?

vlitkowski commented 1 year ago

des avancées ?