sanika391 / SpoonShare

SpoonShare: An app connecting users to share free food, donate, and access local ngo, supporting the UN's Zero Hunger goal.
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Implemented Email, Mobile, and Social Profile Link Validation in Volunteer Form and NGO form #30

Closed a-m-a-nkumar closed 1 month ago

a-m-a-nkumar commented 1 month ago

Email Validation:

Implemented regex-based validation to ensure the email address entered by the user follows a standard email format.
Added error messages to guide the user if the email is invalid.

Mobile Number Validation:

Added regex-based validation to verify the format of the mobile number.
Included error messages to inform the user if the mobile number does not meet the expected criteria.

Social Profile Link Validation:

Introduced regex-based validation for LinkedIn and Instagram profile links.
Ensured that users can only submit the form if the provided links match the specified patterns.
Added error messages to alert users if the links are incorrect.

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sanika391 commented 1 month ago

I appreciate the effort and expertise that went into implementing the regex-based validation for email addresses, mobile numbers, and social profile links. It's clear that a lot of attention was given to ensuring data integrity and user experience. Thank you for taking the time to create such a robust and user-friendly validation system!

sanika391 commented 1 month ago

Just a friendly reminder do star the repository and watch it so that I can merge the pill request

a-m-a-nkumar commented 1 month ago

I wanted to confirm that this is a Level 2 issue because earlier when I raised the issue, you labeled it as Level 2, but here you have labeled it as Level 1.

sanika391 commented 1 month ago

Ohh sorry I have not seen it. Thank u so much for reminding me!!!