sanity-io / block-content-to-hyperscript

Function for transforming Sanity block content to HyperScript
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WebpackError: TypeError: urlBuilder is not a function Gatsby (on Build) #11

Closed gustavobica closed 4 years ago

gustavobica commented 4 years ago


I'm building a website with gatsby and, on gatsby develop everything works fine, but during building I keep getting this error:

**WebpackError: TypeError: urlBuilder is not a function

Does anyone know why ?

My getImageUrl.js looks like this:

"use strict";

var generateHelpUrl = require('@sanity/generate-help-url');

var urlBuilder = require('@sanity/image-url');

var objectAssign = require('object-assign');

var enc = encodeURIComponent;
var materializeError = "You must either:\n  - Pass `projectId` and `dataset` to the block renderer\n  - Materialize images to include the `url` field.\n\nFor more information, see ".concat(generateHelpUrl('block-content-image-materializing'));

var getQueryString = function getQueryString(options) {
  var query = options.imageOptions;
  var keys = Object.keys(query);

  if (!keys.length) {
    return '';

  var params = (key) {
    return "".concat(enc(key), "=").concat(enc(query[key]));
  return "?".concat(params.join('&'));

var buildUrl = function buildUrl(props) {
  var node = props.node,
      options = props.options;
  var projectId = options.projectId,
      dataset = options.dataset;
  var asset = node.asset;

  if (!asset) {
    throw new Error('Image does not have required `asset` property');

  if (asset.url) {
    return asset.url + getQueryString(options);

  if (!projectId || !dataset) {
    throw new Error(materializeError);

  var ref = asset._ref;

  if (!ref) {
    throw new Error('Invalid image reference in block, no `_ref` found on `asset`');
  return urlBuilder(objectAssign({
    projectId: projectId,
    dataset: dataset
  }, options.imageOptions || {})).image(node).toString();

module.exports = buildUrl;

And my gatsby-nide.js like this:

 * Implement Gatsby's Node APIs in this file.
 * See:

const path = require('path');
// Get your list of languages from somewhere, env file, config.json, etc
// for sake of this snippet I am putting it here
const extraLanguages = ["pt","pl"]
const defaultLang = "en"; // English is currently the default so it isn't needed here.
const createLocalePage = (page, createPage) => {
  const { context, } = page
    context: {
      locale: process.env.LOCALE,
  if (extraLanguages.length) {
    extraLanguages.forEach(code => {
      const { path, context, } = page
        path: `/${code}${path}`,
        // every page for each language gets the language code as a prefix
        // to its path: "/es/blog/<some-slug>" for example
        context: {
          locale: code,
// You can delete this file if you're not using it
exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql }) => {
  const result = await graphql(`
      allSanityPost {
        edges {
          node {
            slug {

  const projects ={ node }) => node);
  if (extraLanguages.length) {
    extraLanguages.forEach(code => {

      projects.forEach(project => {
          path: code+"/"+project.slug.current,
          component: path.resolve('./src/templates/post.js'),
          context: {
            slug: project.slug.current,
    projects.forEach(project => {
        path: project.slug.current,
        component: path.resolve('./src/templates/post.js'),
        context: {
          slug: project.slug.current,

exports.onCreatePage = ({ page, actions }) => {
  const { createPage, deletePage } = actions
  createLocalePage(page, createPage)
rexxars commented 4 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this. Would it be possible for you to share the project in question so I could have a look?

gustavobica commented 4 years ago

I invited you to the repository, thank you :) It may be something dumb I did, I using this project to get used to gatsby and sanity.

rexxars commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reporting this, it seems we were a bit too eager on pushing an update for the image-url module which was supposed to work in both CommonJS and ESM environments.

I've released a new version of the module (and the modules that closely depend on it), as well as pushed an update to your repo which upgrades the dependencies.

gustavobica commented 4 years ago

No problem, thank you for the quick you for the quick response and fix.