sanjar-notes / gui-apps

Understand and learn all about GUI apps, from theory to implementation
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Origins, need of GUI #6

Open sanjarcode opened 2 years ago

sanjarcode commented 2 years ago

Important, makes it easy to make decisions when considering technologies

sanjarcode commented 2 years ago

This article is also good

sanjarcode commented 2 years ago

Useful, hopefully:

sanjarcode commented 2 years ago

You don't need a GUI

sanjarcode commented 2 years ago

How Steve Jobs got the ideas of GUI from XEROX The Xerox PARC accessors

sanjarcode commented 2 years ago


TBH. I am in a tough spot now, from a motivation POV.

This stuff will take time. It's not about websites, but about digital experiences - think barely CSS vs CSS art.

Should I spend time on learning this??

Well, why do I think this.

It's because I have an assumption (or opinion or belief

Well, why do I think this.

It's because I have an assumption (or opinion or belief 😅), that GUIs are needed/desirable because:

  1. Code runs on a PC
  2. We use CLIs to run large pieces of code, using keyboards.
  3. If a CLI command is used very often, and is lengthy, we can define an alias in say .bashrc/.zshrc.
  4. High frequency inputs can be abstracted as GUI.

So I think bottom up, which makes GUIs a need, not a desire. That's why I believe they are low priority stuff, and not much time should be spent on them. Which is wrong, historically.

  1. Computer --> PC
  2. Telnet/CLI --> GUI
  3. Local GUI --> web
  4. Shells --> keyboards --> Touch devices

Clearly, this line of thinking of mine is faulty.

The fault is not in the technicality of the argument.

But maybe it's in the core idea. I'm going bottom up (code --> UI). But humans have sense organs already (unless of course Brain Computer Interfaces, let's ignore that for now). So the chain of command/input should be from sense organs --> code.

And UI is closer to us. So it's not a need, it should be a desire.