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Ignore Git repo files temporarily #33

Open sanjarcode opened 3 months ago

sanjarcode commented 3 months ago

The temp-ignored files stop showing up in git status, which can be problematic (i.e. you may assume the repo is clean).

Fix: Update the gst (git status) alias to do:

git status
git ls-files -v | grep '^[[:lower:]]'

The second file show temp-ignored files but in normal color, while git status shows colored output. So you are not distracted by temp-ignored files but know that such files exist

sanjarcode commented 3 months ago

Can be used when temporary automations are added during development, especially frontend, like auto-typing passwords, pins, and navigating to the current feature screen/page.

This is safer than committing and maintaining dev-automation, or a dangerous situation where that code runs in prod.