sanjay-nambiar / AnonymousEngine

A basic C++ game engine done as part of the FIEA coursework
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Issue with your engine. #2

Open PlatoManchi opened 7 years ago

PlatoManchi commented 7 years ago

Hello sanjay,

The issue with your game is its not "NoobEngine"

On behalf of NoobEngine, I would like to offer you position among elite group of 1 people who contribute to the NoobEngine. In attempt to create an engine that can compete with SnowDrop, REDEngine, Frostbite, Decima, Unreal etc; the NoobEngine is born. We want to match the rendering and physics capability of above said engine + improve on the ease on using the engine. So this is engine is

For the noobs, by the noobs, of the noobs, to the noobs.

But during the process of making the engine, we realized that by the noobs is impossible and we need subject matter experts. So we hired, John Carmack for directions on engine and Shigeru Miyamoto to creating best user based experience. We are looking for position to fill in place where the person coordinates closely with both and make sure NoobEngine is on track.

Please download the engine source code that is available and we implore you to fix the bugs in NoobEngine.

Looking forward to work with you.

Let's make noob engine greate again!

GTAddict commented 7 years ago


I agree with your proposition, but I think we need to fix a different issue first.

Who is masquerading under the mask of Anonymous?

Allowing Sanjay to work on your team might not be noob enough, it might be a noob move in fact. How do you know it is Sanjay who's working on Anonymous Engine when the Engine itself is Anonymous?

I think we require a full reveal before we take further action.