sanjoyg / dirigera_platform

HomeAssistant Integration for Dirigera Platform
MIT License
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Dirigera HUB connection lost after update / reboot of HomeAutomation #54

Open Stefan-Linux opened 2 weeks ago

Stefan-Linux commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, is there a known problem with the connection to the hub, if the Dirigera Integration was updated? I see that all entities are lost (still listed, but no connection) after updates. See attached Screenshots.

Question: Is there a common way to re-establish the connection to the hub, without deleting it first?

Thanks, Stefan



Stefan-Linux commented 2 weeks ago

I tried to "Konfigure" the connection again (asked for IP + Button press) -> no change. I restarted the Homeautomation (completely), and the Dirigera Hub is properly connected again / I can activate Scenes again. I also do not see "Nicht geladen" (not loaded) on the screen.
