sanko / net-bittorrent

Perl based BitTorrent module available on CPAN
13 stars 3 forks source link

Time for a new stable release? #3

Open andk opened 9 years ago

andk commented 9 years ago

What is the state of this module? There was no release in four years. There is both a stable and a dev release around but both have many fails at cpantesters:

It's also irritating that the package Net-BitTorrent-0.052 contains the module 0.050.

It would be nice to get this sorted out, because the next bad news are standing ante portas: bleadperl 5.21.5 has new warnings that make this modue noisy and Test::More alpha releases also have a problem. I'll report the latter over at the test-more tracker first, just wanted to leave a note about that here as well.

Thanks, (Disclaimer: all this just came up during statistical CPAN housekeeping, I'm not speaking as a user)

sanko commented 9 years ago

in case anyone stops by in the future

Net::BitTorrent itself is in flux. What became of the rewrite (dev version 0.074000_012 on PAUSE) was broken apart into more generic pieces and uploaded as AnyEvent::BitTorrent and Net::BitTorrent::Protocol. I'm deleting the dev dist now.

The fully capable client I intend NB to continue to be requires UDP (trackers, DHT, µTP, etc.) and the author of AnyEvent went out of his way to rain on that parade. I eventually want it to sit on top of Reflex but the lack of documentation was a roadblock and I got distracted.

Harryb382003 commented 1 year ago

OK, so here we are almost 9 years later.....?

sanko commented 1 year ago

More like time for a total rewrite probably. uTP and other tech is years old now, more popular than the core protocol, and still not in Net::BitTorrent yet. I wrote AnyEvent::BitTorrent as a testbed for a more manageable version of N::B from the dev side but then AnyEvent's author started fighting with the core perl devs, attempted to fork and maintain his own version of perl, and began adding croak statements to his projects based on whether modules he didn't like were also being used. The bones are still good but I'll need to swap event system to IO::Async or something now for Net::BitTorrent.

I'm wrapping up a big project at the moment but I'd love to get N::B modernized this summer. It's on my to-do list!