The overall problem occurs when a script is developed on PC and ported to Android - it's difficult to maintain updates in the PC "prime" file as I make adjustments to the Android version based on testing. Script management would be much easier there was a method to only compile certain code segments if a specific edit mode was enabled.
This idea was suggested by the form used in one of my current scripts. I'm not really sure how a solution might work or look - I didn't want to throw out a problem without offering any kind of solution. This illustrates the idea nicely, and looks pretty similar to the code I'm currently work with.
Idea 1:
// compile commands only if edit mode is SA
// compile commands only if edit mode is SA_mobile
A snippet from a project to reset radar blips to standard markers only. Currently I need to move the end brackets around to port the script::
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPS1" text "Active blips found: ~y~~1~~s~ of ~y~~1~~s~"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPS2" text "Stray destination blips removed: ~y~~1~~s~~n~Hidden blips removed: ~y~~1~~s~"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPS3" text "Unknown blips removed: ~y~~1~~s~~n~Current blips active: ~y~~1~~s~ of ~y~~1~~s~"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPVAR" text "~r~Abnormal VarSpace!~s~"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPOM0" text "~r~Player on Mission!~n~~s~Current blips active: ~y~~1~~s~ of ~y~~1~~s~"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPYAY" text "~r~Yay Courier Active!~n~~s~Current blips active: ~y~~1~~s~ of ~y~~1~~s~"
0ADF: add_dynamic_GXT_entry "BLIPGRL" text "~r~Girlfriend Active!~n~~s~Current blips active: ~y~~1~~s~ of ~y~~1~~s~"
while true
wait 0
0ADC: test_cheat CheatString
zero == 0 // triggered with Cleo Menu
gosub @Get_Android_Addresses }
if or
not &3(zero,1i) == NormalVarspace
$OnMission == true
$YayCourier_Active == true
08B4: test $Dating_Flags bit Dating_OnDate
08B4: test $Dating_Flags bit Dating_Meeting
gosub @Error_Report
gosub @Fill_MarkerArray
gosub @Get_Special_Markers
gosub @Create_Handle_Array
gosub @Remove_Stray_Blips
gosub @Remove_Hidden_Blips
gosub @Ignore_Standard_Markers
gosub @Remove_Unknown_Blips
gosub @Count_Current_Blips
gosub @Display_Report
{SA_mobile end_thread}
The overall problem occurs when a script is developed on PC and ported to Android - it's difficult to maintain updates in the PC "prime" file as I make adjustments to the Android version based on testing. Script management would be much easier there was a method to only compile certain code segments if a specific edit mode was enabled.
This idea was suggested by the form used in one of my current scripts. I'm not really sure how a solution might work or look - I didn't want to throw out a problem without offering any kind of solution. This illustrates the idea nicely, and looks pretty similar to the code I'm currently work with.
Idea 1:
A snippet from a project to reset radar blips to standard markers only. Currently I need to move the end brackets around to port the script::